I'm trying to remember the name of a political term. It's to do with shifting what's commonly considered the centre ground. By having or creating extremist groups on one side of the political spectrum (or by simply repeatedly advancing extremist points from mainstream sources) you can alter public opinion on what constitutes the centre ground even if the extremist's point of view seems completely unpalatable to most people. It's based on the way people generally think there should be fairness in politics and all arguments are somehow equal, regardless of the quality of the argument on each side.
I remember reading a Wikipedia article on it but I can't find the bugger anymore.
Also, in a related point, does anyone else feel that this is happening to a certain extent in their own countries? Either via political groups or even through the various media outlets (newspapers, news channels etc).
I remember reading a Wikipedia article on it but I can't find the bugger anymore.
Also, in a related point, does anyone else feel that this is happening to a certain extent in their own countries? Either via political groups or even through the various media outlets (newspapers, news channels etc).