I ran the demo on Medium settings on my laptop and it does it fine/smooth. I'm not sure what to think of this game so far. The gameplay is alright, nothing really special there. Standard affair. Maybe I need to play it through again, like using only cloak and fists. Or something like that because just shooting away doesn't hold my interest for long.
Something tells me for a game like this, I need to have everything on high. I guess that is Crysis's strong suit. Otherwise, the gameplay isn't really interesting and I don't really care for the characters (cliche military guys barking at each other). I do like shooting down trees and destroying buildings, but I keep running out of ammo and my laptop specs aren't good enough to appreciate the physics.
I will say this, picking up small animals and throwing them at things is fun. Prehaps Crysis's greatest feature?
PS, did anyone's framerate drop to the negatives when the game showed that frozen ship at the end?