I'm getting a macbook. Why? Because I want a laptop. No I don't want to consider a PC laptop instead, leave me alone.
So now I need to decide between the macbook and the pro.
I do a lot of flash coding (actionscript 3), motion graphics ( after effects), and 3d.
I don't know if I'll be gaming on it. If I do it wont be religiously, I have a desktop for that. Id just like to get something that will last a while and be able to handle doing the work I do.
So yea, right now I'm thinking either top of the line macbook (the black one of course) or the low level macbook pro.
So now I need to decide between the macbook and the pro.
I do a lot of flash coding (actionscript 3), motion graphics ( after effects), and 3d.
I don't know if I'll be gaming on it. If I do it wont be religiously, I have a desktop for that. Id just like to get something that will last a while and be able to handle doing the work I do.
So yea, right now I'm thinking either top of the line macbook (the black one of course) or the low level macbook pro.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.