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ForumsDiscussion Forum → American Massassians and your National Anthem
American Massassians and your National Anthem
2007-11-11, 6:50 AM #41
Originally posted by Spook:
See this is what gets me. Some singers to butcher it because they are unable to sing, but IMO, there is no "classic" manner. There is the manner in which the song was originally performed but it is in no way inherently superior.

Unless, you know, you're white.

Well, by classic manner I mean not taking 20 seconds to sing the last syllable.
2007-11-11, 6:54 AM #42
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
If anyone can say redneck, then I should be able to say ****** (n-word), wetback, **** (c-word), etc. just as freely (not to to say that I would).

Whereas your words describe race or genitalia (which are naturally-occuring and, although "fixable" with lots of surgery, can be considered for this argument unchangeable), the term "redneck" typically refers to the uneducated white guy who espouses extreme points of view with respect to key issues (in this case, patriotism).

Opinions and being uneducated don't require surgery to be changed.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-11-11, 7:01 AM #43
Originally posted by Wolfy:
Whereas your words describe race or genitalia (which are naturally-occuring and, although "fixable" with lots of surgery, can be considered for this argument unchangeable), the term "redneck" typically refers to the uneducated white guy who espouses extreme points of view with respect to key issues (in this case, patriotism).

Opinions and being uneducated don't require surgery to be changed.

Surgery has nothing to do to with it. All of the other words are derogatory and used to attack a group of people. "Redneck" is exactly that as well. Especially since so many people freely apply it to someone for simply watching a sport.
2007-11-11, 7:32 AM #44
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
Well, by classic manner I mean not taking 20 seconds to sing the last syllable.

That's still a convention of some genres. You might find that lame, but you also might have ****ty taste in music, I don't know.

Also, I am a 19 year old kid from Utah who joined the military and owns a large amount of knives and says "fer" and "mountn". I will call anyone I ****ing want a redneck because I probably grew up with them.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-11, 9:36 AM #45
Originally posted by Spook:
Also, I am a 19 year old kid from Utah who joined the military and owns a large amount of knives and says "fer" and "mountn". I will call anyone I ****ing want a redneck because I probably grew up with them.

I don't really care if someone is a part of the group. It should be all or nothing. Either everyone is OK to use the word or no one is.

Saying someone can use the word just because they are a part of that group just further promotes the division of that group from society.

I'm just against giving "special treatment" to any group/organization/race/gender/etc.
2007-11-11, 9:47 AM #46
We should continue this discussion in another thread or in PMs and let this thread get back on topic.

2007-11-11, 10:27 AM #47
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
Surgery has nothing to do to with it. All of the other words are derogatory and used to attack a group of people. "Redneck" is exactly that as well. Especially since so many people freely apply it to someone for simply watching a sport.

Funny how I never saw you getting your panties in a twist over words like "Burger Boy" and "God Botherer."

Obviously we have a nascar fan here guys.
2007-11-11, 10:44 AM #48
Originally posted by Rob:
Funny how I never saw you getting your panties in a twist over words like "Burger Boy" and "God Botherer."

Obviously we have a nascar fan here guys.

Heh, MB can tell you otherwise.

For the record, I HATE NASCAR. The only racing I like would be the illegal street racing. Maybe drag racing.
2007-11-11, 11:16 AM #49

So you're a redneck, AND you like douchebag sports.

Good for you.
2007-11-11, 11:21 AM #50
No so wait he is asian?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-11, 11:49 AM #51

The guys that rice out their cars and put other people in danger by racing on public roads are just a sub-species of the redneck called the "urban redneck."

I mean they're basically the same.

Autoparts all over their habitat. Greasy looking dumb hair. Severe distaste for everything that isn't part of their limited small small world. No appreciation for other people's rights. Etc.
2007-11-11, 11:52 AM #52
Originally posted by Rob:

The guys that rice out their cars and put other people in danger by racing on public roads are just a sub-species of the redneck called the "urban redneck."

I mean they're basically the same.

Autoparts all over their habitat. Greasy looking dumb hair. Severe distaste for everything that isn't part of their limited small small world. No appreciation for other people's rights. Etc.

In which case, I'm not a redneck at all.

Keep strikin out, tiger.
2007-11-11, 11:57 AM #53
Urban redneck.
2007-11-11, 12:39 PM #54
So what are we supposed to call rednecks instead?
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2007-11-11, 1:24 PM #55
2007-11-11, 1:43 PM #56
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
Well, by classic manner I mean not taking 20 seconds to sing the last syllable.

I used to sing the national anthem at sporting events around my area. The only piece of advise my voice teacher gave me was "Don't take it ridiculously slow and don't add all of those trills. The audience is here to see the game, not you."

It really bugs me when all these singers to that. Stylizing the anthem for a song is one thing, singing it "classically" at an event that isn't a concert and adding all of that crap just to prove you're "good" bugs the hell out of me. Especially since it rarely sounds good.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-11-11, 1:49 PM #57
Originally posted by sugarless5:
I used to sing the national anthem at sporting events around my area. The only piece of advise my voice teacher gave me was "Don't take it ridiculously slow and don't add all of those trills. The audience is here to see the game, not you."

Yeah, that's what I mean.
2007-11-11, 2:34 PM #58
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
Surgery has nothing to do to with it. All of the other words are derogatory and used to attack a group of people. "Redneck" is exactly that as well. Especially since so many people freely apply it to someone for simply watching a sport.

Are you offended by the term "neckbeard"? "Geek"? "Nerd"? "White trash"? "Dork"?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-11-11, 3:38 PM #59
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
I don't really care if someone is a part of the group. It should be all or nothing.

Then let everyone use the words. Political correctness can get to ****.
2007-11-11, 4:47 PM #60
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
No, you're just ignorant.

If anyone can say redneck, then I should be able to say ****** (n-word), wetback, **** (c-word), etc. just as freely (not to to say that I would).

When i hear the n-word used regularly on a children's (Y7) TV show then i'll consider it. Until then, i think we'll stick with what's socially acceptable already.
2007-11-11, 6:07 PM #61
I liked Borat's rendition best
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-11-11, 9:14 PM #62
Originally posted by Wolfy:
Are you offended by the term "neckbeard"? "Geek"? "Nerd"? "White trash"? "Dork"?

Geek, nerd, and dork don't offend me. White trash I don't like. I also don't like the "n-word" or anything that is specifically targeted at race. Redneck doesn't really bother me, since to me it doesn't seem specifically targeted at a person's race, although the (stereo)typical redneck is white. I guess I could be considered a redneck as I'm from Florida, but contrary to popular belief, I know how to read, I know how to use electronics, and I don't like Nascar.

And, in an attempt to get this on topic, I will say that yes, I do like Jimi Hendrix's version of the Star Spangled Banner.
2007-11-11, 10:28 PM #63
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
When i hear the n-word used regularly on a children's (Y7) TV show then i'll consider it. Until then, i think we'll stick with what's socially acceptable already.

Sorry, I didn't intend this to be a stab at Massassi's rulings. It's more of a personal opinion pertaining to Constitutional rights (free speech and what not) in a broader perspective. Massassi is a private forum, which is out of scope for the conversation.

And no, Wolfy. I do not find those words offensive. I just think everyone should have the right to use those words without criticism.
2007-11-12, 12:51 AM #64
You're all ****ing rednecks as far as I can see.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-11-12, 5:02 AM #65
:( I am not a redneck. :(

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