So, a bunch of lunatics are calling for a boycott of The Golden Compass, which I have been eagerly awaiting since I've heard about it months ago. They're saying that the material in His Dark Materials, the book this movie is based on, is too anti-religious, which it is, because the author tried to counter some of the Christian themes in The Chronicals of Narnia.
Does this mean we should protect our children from the themes in this new movie to ensure they won't, Odin forbid, learn about being atheist or any other religion? Come on.
Now they're just teasing me and making me more anxious to see it.
[EDIT]: To clarify, I just really wanted to make a post about the movie, and that boycotting topic was bound to show up sooner or later in the discussion anyways. JG has a good point though.
Does this mean we should protect our children from the themes in this new movie to ensure they won't, Odin forbid, learn about being atheist or any other religion? Come on.
Now they're just teasing me and making me more anxious to see it.
[EDIT]: To clarify, I just really wanted to make a post about the movie, and that boycotting topic was bound to show up sooner or later in the discussion anyways. JG has a good point though.