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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Galaxy's smaller than I thought
Galaxy's smaller than I thought
2007-11-27, 6:10 AM #41
They sent people in 50 years beforehand, they TRIED to get in on the Unknown Regions side, but the Chiss, aka Thrawn's race, kicked their asses back around the time of TPM. So they tried on an easier side of the galaxy
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-11-27, 9:02 AM #42
I believe they sent a few ships into Imperial space... They were raped I think. I never read that far into the series though...

Okay... why isn't Tatooine part of Hutt Space?

Because it never was? As far as I know, it's always just been way out in the boonies.

Then why is Alderaan still on the map? Hmm?

Because I highly doubt it was the only planet in it's system.

Also, NJO sucks.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-11-27, 9:30 PM #43
Been a while since I read them too (and I didn't like them enough for them to earn a reread...)
I just remembered something about the Chiss mentioning all the terrible races in the Unkown regions and mentally associated that with the Vong. Could've been wrong, and that would make more sense.

And maybe I'm remembering what Genk said, that seems kinda familiar.
I'm trying to read the Legacy of the Force books right now... not sure how I like them yet, some good, some bad...
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"

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