Hello all. I am in Ketchikan, Alaska. On a 10 day cruise that started in SF and went to Victoria, B.C., then around Tracey's Arm, then stopped in Skagway (fun little town), then to Juneau, and now in Ketchikan. In the next two days I will be sailing back to SF and then flying home back to Florida. It is a nice little break from all the heat.
To make this legit, post your summer cruise.
(P.S. I was able to pan some gold and got $9.45 worth (thats alot when panning in a tour thingy, cause they are usually cheapos))
A computer's worst nightmare:
[This message has been edited by gammasts.]
To make this legit, post your summer cruise.
(P.S. I was able to pan some gold and got $9.45 worth (thats alot when panning in a tour thingy, cause they are usually cheapos))
A computer's worst nightmare:
[This message has been edited by gammasts.]