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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What uses can you think for YOUR mac?
What uses can you think for YOUR mac?
2007-12-10, 12:16 PM #41
Originally posted by Deadman:
You make it sound like the poster (as in the picture, not the person posting the poster) is making fun of Macs.

Get a sense of humour, and while your at it, pull the stick out of your ***.

No. It really has a lot more to do with the stupidity of the whole "Let's bash Macs despite being completely ignorant about Macs" since Macs upgraded their hardware. Funny that there are plenty of other people who saw through the stupidity too.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-10, 12:30 PM #42
Originally posted by mb:
The biggest reason Im getting (soon. maybe. possibly) a macbook is because I can run Windows AND OSX on it. Not a big deal to some people, but I use both every day and it would be very convenient to have that option.

If you plan on using boot camp, be warned that you can't do tap-clicking (tap on touchpad) in windows.

Why? Hell if I know. But it's annoying as mad hell.
2007-12-10, 12:33 PM #43
Does it work on VMWare Fusion or Parallels?
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2007-12-10, 12:34 PM #44
Originally posted by Nomad§oul:
Secondly yes macs are more expensive, but a Mac tower running a quad core processor? Thats god of computing right there. Why? simple. First of all the mac OS is far superior to windows (especially vista) in most aspects. The one that specificially sells me, along with thousands of other people, is the lack of background processes. This dramaticially speeds up the performance of your computer and makes it actually fun to use.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

The XNU kernel used by OS X is basically the Mach kernel with some hurr added to it.

Mac OS X is a good OS, but highly overrated. It doesn't do anything Windows can't, and it does a lot of things worse.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-12-10, 1:15 PM #45
well, just from the point of view of physicists here at Cern, 80-90% of them seem to use Mac's over pc's...
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2007-12-10, 1:16 PM #46
Actually it can do things Windows can't, but I doubt he knows what they are.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2007-12-10, 1:26 PM #47
Originally posted by James Bond:
well, just from the point of view of physicists here at Cern, 80-90% of them seem to use Mac's over pc's...

They're too eccentric to understand anything else. :eng101:

Detty, yes, it does I guess, I shouldn't have been so literal. What I meant was that there's nothing fundamentally unique about OS X that couldn't be done similarly on Windows.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-12-10, 2:20 PM #48
Originally posted by Nomad§oul:
woah woah woah.. ok first of all, dell is horrible because nothing of theirs is interchangable. Blech.

Secondly yes macs are more expensive, but a Mac tower running a quad core processor? Thats god of computing right there. Why? simple. First of all the mac OS is far superior to windows (especially vista) in most aspects. The one that specificially sells me, along with thousands of other people, is the lack of background processes. This dramaticially speeds up the performance of your computer and makes it actually fun to use.

Open terminal and type: ps aux

Now tell me again how there aren't any background processes?


Also macs utilize their memory and processing power different allowing them to run at much higher speeds then PCs do.

OSX does indeed manage its memory somewhat differently than Windows, but that does not result in "much higher speeds".

With all the virtual windows programs and "bootcamp" programs readily avaliable to mac, and their superior design and programming, they have become a driving force in the computer industry as we know it thus far. No longer are they useless and only good for library indexes. No those days are long gone.

Don't get ahead of yourself. You seem to forget that Macs have numerous inferior qualities to them still:

A. Games. Unless you boot-camp, you're screwed. And boot-camp (especially on a laptop) is not perfect.
B. They are not a "driving force".
C. Does your argument really stand up if the best thing going for the mac is the ability to run windows? I bet Microsoft loves that. Rather than continuing to compete with them directly and continuously improve OSX's flaws, they can just say "use bootcamp".

Am I saying they are better? yes. By a long shot? No. The mac OS has just as many problems as windows does, just in different ways.

It does? You've yet to do anything except state how vastly superior it is. Then you state that it has flaws, yet neglect to mention any.

A good way to judge their superiority though is by looking at all the professionals who use only macs. 3d platform designers, musicians and producers, graphic artists, archeteicts (sp), etc etc, all use macs. Theres something to be said about apple nowadays, and as much as diehard windows people won't like to admit it, they are on top this time around.

No, they all don't. Why the hell would Adobe release their products on Windows if their entire market was on Mac?
2007-12-10, 3:00 PM #49
Damnit I started a PC vs Mac topic. On accident.
2007-12-10, 3:28 PM #50
yeah I thought all this bickering was over years ago. :saddowns:
2007-12-10, 3:40 PM #51
A lot of people hold on to the past even when it makes them look like idiots.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-10, 4:05 PM #52
Originally posted by Nomad§oul:
because nothing of theirs is interchangable.

No, not really, last time I checked...
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2007-12-10, 4:54 PM #53
Ok, here is my opinion: everybody just shut up. Arguing won't solve anything. If you like Macs, go buy a goddamn Mac, if you like PCs, go buy a goddamn PC.
2007-12-10, 4:54 PM #54
realy, people, what the hell is the bloody point of getting a mac if you will just run windows anyway. I mean, it will still be the exact same OS, even if it is running through a virtual computer.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-12-10, 5:04 PM #55
Seriously, what the ****? I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't suppose to be about people *****ing at each other over computers.
2007-12-10, 5:04 PM #56
Originally posted by Reid:
Ok, here is my opinion: everybody just shut up. Arguing won't solve anything. If you like Macs, go buy a goddamn Mac, if you like PCs, go buy a goddamn PC.

I know you're annoyed it went off-topic, but you don't need to get angry. No one is getting excited here except you :/

Frankly as long as it stays a civil discussion I don't see why it can't continue :/
2007-12-10, 5:05 PM #57
2007-12-11, 1:50 AM #58
Originally posted by Avenger:
No. It really has a lot more to do with the stupidity of the whole "Let's bash Macs despite being completely ignorant about Macs" since Macs upgraded their hardware. Funny that there are plenty of other people who saw through the stupidity too.

I don't find it funny that other people fell for the same stupidity as you, I saw it coming.
I saw the poster, laughed, and realized there'd be a whole bunch of people like you coming in here and ruining a joke.

I can't believe that racist and sexist jokes are more acceptable then mac jokes. Does anyone get pissed at windows jokes?
The stupidity here lies in the over-defensiveness of Mac users, especially when pretty much everyone has an Apple product of some kind or other nowadays.
Get over yourselves.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 1:57 AM #59
There hasn't been any defensiveness from anyone.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-11, 1:57 AM #60
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I know you're annoyed it went off-topic, but you don't need to get angry. No one is getting excited here except you :/

Frankly as long as it stays a civil discussion I don't see why it can't continue :/

Um, theres been plenty of people getting over-excited, that's the problem.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 1:58 AM #61
Originally posted by Avenger:
There hasn't been any defensiveness from anyone.

Yes, especially not from you...
Not at all
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 2:02 AM #62
I didn't realize thinking a joke was lame was a sure indicator of being defensive. One post about how Mac jokes don't hold water anymore all I'm guilty of. Maybe you need to look up what getting defensive means.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-11, 2:06 AM #63
You didn't just think it was lame, you got angry over it, and over-defensive, you just HAD to point out why the joke doesn't work, had to DEFEND your precious mac.
If someone mad a joke about the irish would you be quoting statistics about the average irish persons iq?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 2:14 AM #64
All I did was say that the joke doesn't work anymore. That's it. You're presuming everything else on your own there, bub.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-11, 2:16 AM #65
I presumed nothing, the evidence is there and clear as day.
The best thing is, you have been getting more defensive with every post. I guess you're too close to see it right now, but one day if you see this thread again you might realize it and laugh.
Until then, I'll leave you to it.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 2:24 AM #66
I assure you, I won't be coming back to this thread once it disappears to the far recesses of the forum, therefore I won't be laughing at anything, except for you rather odd attempt to tell me how I was feeling when I made posts in this thread.

The ironic thing is that you've been the most defensive of anyone in this thread.
Pissed Off?
2007-12-11, 2:39 AM #67
How have I been defensive? That makes no sense at all. I've had nothing to defend. All I've done is point out your stupidity and over-defensiveness, which is quite obvious to all, even yourself, because earlier you argued not that you thought the joke was lame, but that this was a not a joke at all, but a clear case of mac bashing.
As I said, the evidence is quite clear.
Of course, I don't actually expect you to admit to the obvious. Not even if you came back to it later on, that was a stupid thing of me to say really, your denial and stubbornness runs too deep for that.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-12-11, 3:17 AM #68
stop reading posts with that tone of voice. read a post with a british accent. it won't sound like the poster is pissed off. they're usually not.

two people have pissed me off on these forums. brian and black aurora. both times had to do with government and taxes.
2007-12-11, 7:45 AM #69
I typically read forum post with a little girl accent, it's much more hilarious because all of the fighting.
2007-12-11, 8:29 AM #70
Good God, you guys fail at a discussion. No reason to keep it open now, good job Deadman.

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