I don't see the need to artificially inflate the job market. There are plenty of jobs out there without the government providing them. Also, how much of a large government do you want? While it's true the government is the largest employer, I don't see the need to expand that. More bloat? Lovely.
Also, it's a sort of forced labor. While I personally don't have a problem with that, I'd imagine the sorts of hoo-ha that would go around to get away from it.
"Bob can't work because he has a large family to supervise."
"Mandy has fibromyalgia."
"Randy has religious reasons against work."
There's plenty of jobs. It's not my job to pay for some oaf who can't find one on his own and needs to government to direct him to pick leaves.
Also, and I'm gonna get railed for this, but people do give themselves diseases via their lifestyle. Lung cancer accounts for around 29% of cancer deaths, and the leading cause? Smoking is estimated to be around 87%.
Let's look at another large problem in our fair country: obesity. This goes hand in hand with diabetes II, hypertension, CAD, etc, etc. These are chronic, and to be blunt, expensive diseases.
And let's go to a third category, STD's and related consequences. I won't even bother to explain how this is related to personal choices.
A great deal of diseases, accidents, and whatever are indeed induced by personal choices. It's common knowledge that smoking, eating McDonald's every day, and sleeping around are bad choices. People do them anyway, and suffer the consequences. I don't want to suffer along with them, and there's no good reason I should. Otherwise, if I have to pay for some idiot doing something stupid, I should have the right to grab a cigarette from their mouth and smash it or take that big mac and shove it in the wrong end.
Although on the flip side there are a lot of unpreventable diseases. Breast and prostate cancer, for example. There is no reasonable prevention out there. As draconian as I may sound, prophylactic mastectomy is not something I'd advocate. For everything else, there's the fact it's like every other act of god: you prepare. Go get mammograms and digital rectal exams, colonoscopies and breast biopsies. Get yearly checkups. It's like not brushing your teeth and then complaining of cavities. These aren't bank breaking to do currently, even without insurance. More expensive than it should be, but still affordable. Something should be done about the cost of healthcare in a more intelligent manner.
Then there's a third category: Unpreventable, undetectable, or untreatable diseases, and lifelong debilitating injuries. I wouldn't mind paying for that, but considering how much in the minority those things are, it wouldn't cost that much.
All in all, there should be a way of cutting costs of health care, however just blankly providing it to everyone is not the solution. I do believe in personal responsibility and accountability, not pushing it on others.