Jedi Josh, the entire game is full of doing stuff over again. If you don't do something within a specific amount of time (3 "game days") you get booted back and have to start over. It's utterly crappy.
OOT wasn't as bad, but most of the "puzzles" were crappy compared to previous games. For example, the blocks you had to push were all on tracks that could only move in specific ways, whereas before, you had to guess which blocks to push. Then, some of the puzzles were so annoyingly impossible to "figure out" that I just wanted to quit on half the dungeons. The reason they were so "hard" was because there were no hints, no sense to the puzzles, nothing. If you didn't notice this one little area of this one little room you were screwed, and there were no hints or anything (thank God for the internet). One that comes to mind is the water temple. I think that was the single worst dungeon in any zelda game ever.
Did you play the first 3 zeldas before playing OOT? Because if you had, you'd likely agree with me. The transition to 3d was done poorly. I think the new Wind Waker was more successful at that transition, especially in the dungeons, but of course they screwed it up with the whole "boat" thing (raise your hand if you think it's fun spending hours "sailing" across a huge map for no good reason).