These cinemas may be built by geeks who love their genre movies. But they don’t seem to by built by movie-loving geeks.
The real movie-geek would build a home cinema that would maximize his (her? possible but unlikely?) enjoyment of the movie. And like a previous poster, I doubt all this frill really does that. It just shows a love for a specific movie or genre, but hardly improves the viewing experience. Ambiance isn’t nothing, but it certainly isn’t everything.
Where are the technical details? Systems maximizing the viewing experience, high tech screens, innovative sound systems, force-feedback in the chairs, subtle lighting adjustment, smooth integration of extra features, special purpose software for rendering industry grade movie formats, image enhancement software, etc.
The only hint in that direction is the mention of the number of movies on one of these people’s harddrives. But frankly, 4000 * 5 Gb is a nice 20Tb but that’s on the fast track to old news already…