There's a proof technique known as "diagonalization" that can show that there is a real number between 0 and 1 that cannot be counted by the set of real numbers. Basically, to say that they are the same size means there is a mapping in which the integer 1 corresponds to some decimal, 2 corresponds to another decimal (from 0 to 1)
So, according to the idea that they are the same size, there should be some mapping like the following. (note: it doesn't matter what the mapping is in this example, as I'm about to show that it can't be mapped)
1 = 0.1234567...etc
2 = 0.2455675...
3 = 0.3756756...
4 = 0.4856723...
5 = 0.5965698...
This goes on for all positive integers to infinity (side-note, if you wish to include one as a positive number, that doesn't change anything here)
Now, I've already mapped every single positive integer all the way to infinity to a decimal place, so if I can build a new number that hasn't been mapped, I have proven that there are more real numbers between 0 and 1 than there are positive integers. So, what if I were to build a new number, x, by taking the first decimal place from the first mapped integer and increasing it by 1 (if the number was 9, it goes to 0), followed by the second decimal from the second decimal place and increasing it by 1, etc...
1 = 0.
2 = 0.2
3 = 0.37
4 = 0.485
5 = 0.5965
x = 0.25670...
As you can see, x differs from every single existing number by at least one decimal place, thus I have created a number that was not in the mapping. Hence, the size of all real numbers from 0 to 1 is larger than the size of all positive integers.
And now for a fun, quirky fact. This technique can also be used to show that there are programs that cannot be written