Ok I have this huge Q Basic that I have to write and I am having a very difficult time writing it and i could really use some help.... Ive been staring at it for a while and its giving me a headache
Those are the instructions... heres what I got so far....
The Federal Aviation Administration would like you to develop a program to report the number of passengers who fly out of a variety of airports.
Begin the project by asking the user whether the application is the one desired. This will give the user the option of exiting the program if it were run by mistake. Edit the answer for a case insensitive yes/no response, and only prepare the data file when the user responds ‘YES’.
Include in the project, a module which interactively builds an input file with the data listed below. Name the input file DATA1.DAT
Edit the airline field to insure that it contains only one of the following airline codes:
USA for USAir
AAL for American Airlines
DAL for Delta Airlines
Edit the Passenger load field to insure that no flight carries over 300 passengers.
The project should then contain a module to prepare a control break report passed upon the city to summarize and report passenger usage. Use the DATA1.DAT file as input for this module.
The input data below consists of airline flights containing the departure city, the airline used and the number of passengers on the specific flight. Enter the data below when building DATA1.DAT. The input records have already been sorted in ascending sequence by city to assist you in the development of your program.
List of City, Airline, and Passenger………
The output from the project is the airport usage report. The report is a control break report based upon the city. The report contains the city, the airline, and the number of passengers.
Intermediate totals should be printed for each city showing the total flights for each airline that services the city. The total number of passengers fro the city should also be printed.
At the end of the report, print the total passengers for all airports, the number of airports processed and the average number of passengers per airport. The report should be group indicated by city.
A sample of the report is shown below……..
The Federal Aviation Administration would like you to develop a program to report the number of passengers who fly out of a variety of airports.
Begin the project by asking the user whether the application is the one desired. This will give the user the option of exiting the program if it were run by mistake. Edit the answer for a case insensitive yes/no response, and only prepare the data file when the user responds ‘YES’.
Include in the project, a module which interactively builds an input file with the data listed below. Name the input file DATA1.DAT
Edit the airline field to insure that it contains only one of the following airline codes:
USA for USAir
AAL for American Airlines
DAL for Delta Airlines
Edit the Passenger load field to insure that no flight carries over 300 passengers.
The project should then contain a module to prepare a control break report passed upon the city to summarize and report passenger usage. Use the DATA1.DAT file as input for this module.
The input data below consists of airline flights containing the departure city, the airline used and the number of passengers on the specific flight. Enter the data below when building DATA1.DAT. The input records have already been sorted in ascending sequence by city to assist you in the development of your program.
List of City, Airline, and Passenger………
The output from the project is the airport usage report. The report is a control break report based upon the city. The report contains the city, the airline, and the number of passengers.
Intermediate totals should be printed for each city showing the total flights for each airline that services the city. The total number of passengers fro the city should also be printed.
At the end of the report, print the total passengers for all airports, the number of airports processed and the average number of passengers per airport. The report should be group indicated by city.
A sample of the report is shown below……..
Those are the instructions... heres what I got so far....
'Program 2 'Andrew L '1-30-08 ' ' 'Variable Dictionary 'Variable What it means 'x$ Decision yes or no 'tc Total Cities 'firstrecord First Record 'fnum Passenger number 'an$ Another Record? 'tc Total Counter 'sub1 Subtotal 1 'sub2 Subtotal 2 'a 'c ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CLS PRINT "This is the Federal Aviation Administration Program... Do you want to run this program?" INPUT x$ LET x$ = UCASE$(x$) DO UNTIL x$ = "YES" OR x$ = "NO" OR x$ = "Y" OR x$ = "N" PRINT "Error" PRINT "Please Type Yes (Y) or No (N)" INPUT x$ LET x$ = UCASE$(x$) LOOP DO UNTIL x$ = "NO" OR x$ = "N" GOSUB setup PRINT "Would you like to build a file?" INPUT x$ LET x$ = UCASE$(x$) DO UNTIL x$ = "YES" OR x$ = "NO" OR x$ = "Y" OR x$ = "N" PRINT "Error" PRINT "Please Type Yes (Y) or No (N)" INPUT x$ LET x$ = UCASE$(x$) LOOP DO UNTIL x$ = "NO" OR x$ = "N" GOSUB build LOOP GOSUB hdg GOSUB report 'GOSUB total LOOP END setup: LET firstrecord = 1 LET tc = 1 LET pnum = 300 RETURN build: OPEN "f:\data.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO UNTIL an$ = "NO" OR an$ = "N" PRINT "Please Enter a City" INPUT c$ PRINT "Please Enter the Airline" INPUT a$ LET a$ = UCASE$(a$) DO UNTIL a$ = "USA" OR a$ = "AAL" OR a$ = "DAL" PRINT "Error" PRINT "Please enter USA or AAL or DAL" INPUT a$ LET a$ = UCASE$(a$) LOOP PRINT "Please Enter the ammount of Passengers" INPUT p DO UNTIL p <= pnum PRINT "Error" PRINT "Please enter a number below "; pnum INPUT p LOOP WRITE #1, c$, a$, p PRINT "Would you like to write another record?" INPUT an$ LET an$ = UCASE$(an$) DO UNTIL an$ = "YES" OR an$ = "Y" OR an$ = "NO" OR an$ = "N" PRINT "Error" PRINT "Please enter Yes (Y) or No (N)" INPUT an$ LET an$ = UCASE$(an$) LOOP LOOP CLOSE RETURN hdg: PRINT PRINT TAB(30); "AIRLINE USAGE REPORT" PRINT PRINT PRINT TAB(1); "City"; TAB(34); "Airline"; TAB(67); "Passenger Load" RETURN report: OPEN "F:\data.dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO UNTIL EOF(1) INPUT #1, c$, a$, p IF firstrecord = 1 THEN LET comp$ = c$ LET firstrecord = 0 END IF IF com$ <> c$ THEN PRINT sub1 LET com$ = c$ PRINT sub2 LET c = 0 LET a = 0 LET tc = tc + 1 END IF GOSUB process PRINT sub1 PRINT sub2 CLOSE LOOP process: IF a$ = "AAL" THEN AAL = AAL + 1 a$ = "American Air Lines" END IF IF a$ = "USA" THEN USA = USA + 1 a$ = "U.S. Air Lines" ELSE DAL = DAL + 1 a$ = "Delta Air Lines" END IF RETURN
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community