We are living interesting times.
This will, if not start a war, create a majour conflict.
While USA and most of the EU are going to admit the independency, most likely today, Russia and Serbia (which Kosovo is parting from) are highly against it. Putin has even said that Russia has plans for Kosovo, in case they declare the independency, which they did yesterday.
Russia probably refuses to admit the independency, because that might lead to other, smaller soviet-time countries attempting to part from Russia, Greece and others. Also, USA standing behind Kosovos independency, they probably will be allowed to extend the missile shield there, close to Russia.
Kosovo is a poor, low-tech country, that will not be able to survive on its own for a long time yet. They have no technology in there, or any production. Their main product is farming, which Kosovo is an ideal place for. However, they don't have much machinery for that either, it is hard to believe how primitive their farming methods are. Kosovo has asked EU to help them until they can stand on their own, and that EU will do. EU is going to send police in there to help keep things peaceful.
Kosovo has a serb minority of 100.000, which is opposing the independency completely. They have already started rioting. Also, Serbia has announced that they will treat Kosovo just as if it was a part of Serbia, and that they will never admit Kosovo to be an independent country. What this means, who knows, Serbia might move their armies across the border as they want, which could cause even greater conflicts, if not a war. We must remember, that in this case, there will be Russia on the Serbian side, and USA and most of the EU on the Kosovo side.
Oops, that thing became longer than intended to. Now, off to work.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.