I don't know.
I'm not against the "cartoon" art style, I love what Team Fortress 2 looks like, but it doesn't seem appealing to me in this case. I mean, what TF2 does with the player models makes the whole experience much more lively but in this game, it seems the character models are chiseled from wood. Not to mention, I hope I don't get blinded by color if I played this. Sure, making it like a Saturday morning cartoon show allows the developers to sidestep any "realism" issues when it comes to the environment and opens up a large palette of coloring, but damn, they could mute things like the grass and the trees abit. To be honest, maybe GREEN is better than the degrees of BROWN we get these days in battlefield-like games.
But it's free so I can't complain.
I never really got into these "open environment" battlefield games. For my tastes, I'm a more everyone-into-a-cramped-map type person simply because there is more teammate interaction. Like in Wolf:Enemy Territory and, er, TF2. Nothing like planning rush with teammates to take down an objective instead of grabbing the nearest vehicle and flying around everywhere.
As for this game, I'm guessing the "Nazi" army is now the "National" army. It's interesting that they are using a MP-40 like weapon while the "Royal" army uses strange thing which looks like a cross between the WW2 Soviet SK machine gun and the Star War's T21.