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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Dogs tried to eat me!
Dogs tried to eat me!
2008-03-14, 7:23 AM #1
I left my house to pick up some groceries, walking to the end of the lane to turn into the street. My path to the supermarket takes me up a dusty, unpaved road with exposed drainage on the sides - an amusing contrast to the two towering, expesnive homes built on top of the hill.
Mid way along this road is a construction site where a garage is being rebuit. The old one was a thousand years old and decrepit and finally torn down some months ago.

I made my way across the road onto the footpath in front of the expensive homes, heading towards the construction some 100ft ahead. I see two dogs not familiar to the neighbourhood, but it's not uncommon to see dogs wandering the streets.
One spots me and I see its ears and tail shoot up and it starts coming towards me. Isn't this a friendly dog, I think to myself. Then it starts hauling *** at me, growling. It gets right up on me and I jump back, quite narrowly avoiding having my leg bitten, and it growls, barks and snaps at me. Then I notice the other one is darting towards me.
Ever so conveniently those fancy pants rich folk homes have their garden raised a whole five feet from the footpath with a wooden wall along the edge. I jumped up the wall into a roll and hurrily tried to get back to my feet, expecting flying dogs to be making a pass at my face. Thankfully, the dogs weren't much in a jumping mood and stood up as high as they could along the wall, barking at me. Luckily for me, some kids at the other end of the road were passing by on their skateboards and shouted some crack at me, no doubt amused by my predicament. The dogs heard this and decided there was a better meal to be had and went after them.
"**** this," I thought and jumped off the garden and took off in the other direction. I went the long way around the block to the supermarket.

(the supermarket was boring. although i stepped in someones pee.)

On my way home I took a slightly different approach, but still in the general direction of the dirt road where these dogs were. I suppose I expected them to have wandered to another street.
I approached along the road crossing the top of the dusty road at a T, on the farthest side, and cautiously peered into the street. The dogs were still there, exact same spot. I decided to take the other long way around the block.
As I continued along the passing road, just as I was inches away from being out of sight (via the corner house's side fence) one of the bloody dogs spots me and round two was freaking on. I must have been like, 150ft away, seriously. Just as I got out of sight by the fence I bolted for a short distance, and as I turned around to see if I'm about to have my arse chewed off I saw the dog come around that fence with such speed that when he stopped to look for me, he actually slid for a distance on the grass. I tried hiding with mime-like stillness, hoping maybe they see like a T-Rex, but it was uneffective.
Although fortunately this time I had a canvas shopping bag which proved useful for keeping some distance between me and the walking jaws. It barked, growled and snapped at me as I walked almost the entire length of the street backwards, another 150ft or so, before it started to check behind it between barks. I guess it was looking for the other dog, which didn't give chase. Each time I got a little further away and tried to turn around to hurry off, it would come closer. Eventually it did run back into the dirt road, having exceeded its maximum range for annoyance. By now I was directly in front of my friend Steve's place so that's where I went. We watched Austin Powers and drank tea. It was good.

Police were called. The dogs were dobermans according to them. I don't know was done about them, but Steve and I drove back down the road later on and they weren't there. He reckoned the dogs may have been left there to guard the construction area. Sorry everyone that was hoping I got mauled and/or something involving spiders.
2008-03-14, 7:29 AM #2
Dogs ****ing hate David Spade
2008-03-14, 7:32 AM #3
Wow :o

That happened nearly all the time to back in the day I biked a lot. Then my neighborette decided that she hated me and got dobermann puppies that were apparently taught to hate me since the beginning but they never ended up eating me after all those "Niku was eaten by dogs" premonitions. Good times.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-03-14, 8:04 AM #4
could have been worse
Attachment: 18822/halloween_dog_spider.jpg (33,062 bytes)
gbk is 50 probably

2008-03-14, 8:24 AM #5
Is it bad that I got really mad just reading that? I love dogs, but somehow even just reading that put me into a primal state where if I was being attacked by dogs I MIGHT have tried to fight them.
2008-03-14, 8:27 AM #6
If dogs attacked me, I'd rape them!
2008-03-14, 11:15 AM #7
Animals hate a Jin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-14, 11:29 AM #8

I hate dogs like that... The ones that will actually bite you for no reason. I'd have went back with a bat, but thats just me. I had a dog attack me as a kid because of some dead bird... needless to say my father put a 22 round in his brain.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-03-14, 12:02 PM #9
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Is it bad that I got really mad just reading that? I love dogs, but somehow even just reading that put me into a primal state where if I was being attacked by dogs I MIGHT have tried to fight them.

Yeah, the second time I probably would have just said, "screw this" and charged them. Dogs like that are cowards anyways. At least if they weren't rottweilers or pit bulls. Those things will eat your face. Small, angry, fluffy dogs can be punted quite satisfactorily.
2008-03-14, 2:23 PM #10
uh. Obi. Dobermans.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2008-03-14, 2:40 PM #11
Obi, dobermans are the big scary watchdog ****ers.

2008-03-14, 2:45 PM #12
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Yeah, the second time I probably would have just said, "screw this" and charged them. Dogs like that are cowards anyways. At least if they weren't rottweilers or pit bulls. Those things will eat your face. Small, angry, fluffy dogs can be punted quite satisfactorily.


Neither of you were doing that.

And you accuse me of being an internet tough guy.
2008-03-14, 2:49 PM #13
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Yeah, the second time I probably would have just said, "screw this" and charged them. Dogs like that are cowards anyways. At least if they weren't rottweilers or pit bulls. Those things will eat your face. Small, angry, fluffy dogs can be punted quite satisfactorily.

Okay. You do that.
2008-03-14, 2:57 PM #14
You should have tried to eat the dogs.
2008-03-14, 3:04 PM #15
(the supermarket was boring. although i stepped in someones pee.)

2008-03-14, 3:04 PM #16
Or throw them off a cliff.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-14, 3:42 PM #17
Originally posted by Echoman:
Okay. You do that.

:( No one looks out for me.

Originally posted by Rob:

Neither of you were doing that.

Yes. I was with him. Good job on reading. Although, yeah, I probably wouldn't go after a doberman either, unless I had a big stick, even even then, maybe not. Those are scary dogs.
2008-03-14, 3:43 PM #18
did you get hot dogs while you were buying food?

Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-03-14, 3:49 PM #19
was it like the dogs from resident evil
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-03-14, 4:37 PM #20
click the right analog stick
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-03-14, 4:46 PM #21
Press B just as they're about to bite you.
2008-03-14, 4:54 PM #22
Jin tastes like chicken.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2008-03-14, 5:25 PM #23
Originally posted by Aglar:
Press B just as they're about to bite you.

No no, down B! Counter! Counter!
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2008-03-14, 6:00 PM #24
Attachment: 18843/070202_vick_vmed_3p.widec.jpg (20,267 bytes)
2008-03-14, 6:47 PM #25
Yeah, SiliconC wins.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-03-14, 7:22 PM #26
I was rappidly tapping the A button, maybe that's what I did wrong.
2008-03-14, 7:24 PM #27
Originally posted by KOP_AoEJedi:
I'd have went back with a bat

2008-03-14, 7:43 PM #28
Originally posted by Rob:

Neither of you were doing that.

And you accuse me of being an internet tough guy.

The story made me feel anger, but only because it's hard to be scared of getting bitten by words.
2008-03-15, 6:06 AM #29
I think in Jin's situation, I'd have used my natural advantage over all dogs: opposable thumbs. I'd be climbing the first tree I could find.

When I was a kid, I had a friend who's father was a police dog handler. They had this "puppy", that was over a year old and pretty much fully grown, called Jupiter. I remember that nasty fooker's name because the one time I went round to that friend's house at the age of 8 it hurtled out the front door and went for me. I'm surprised I didn't crap myself, and it's a good thing he was already well trained enough not to go killing 8 year olds. He did however have his front legs on my shoulders holding me pinned against their car and started barking and growling in my face and inadvertently scratched my forehead with one of his canines. Being 8 and only knowing from my friend's hyperbole about how his father trained dogs to kill people, I thought he was about to kill me/eat my face off. It really really scared the hell out of me and it took a long time before I would go near an Alsatian again without being nervous.
2008-03-15, 9:22 AM #30
Originally posted by Recusant:
I think in Jin's situation, I'd have used my natural advantage over all dogs: opposable thumbs. I'd be climbing the first tree I could find.

From what I've heard, go for the top of cars.

But I could swear big dogs can climb up as well. Maybe they are too stupid or can't get on smooth surfaces.
2008-03-15, 9:29 AM #31
Originally posted by Echoman:
From what I've heard, go for the top of cars.

But I could swear big dogs can climb up as well. Maybe they are too stupid or can't get on smooth surfaces.

A smooth surface like a car would be difficult for a dog. My dog used to have trouble sometimes running on linoleum floors, even.

But then you'd probably have to pay someone because you dented their car or something. :P
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-03-15, 9:39 AM #32
Well, it costs cheaper to pay for car damage than to pay for surgery.
2008-03-15, 10:35 AM #33
People really shouldn't be allowed to just keep bred attack dogs as pets. It's one things to have a mutt coming at you, but some breeds are really dangerous. Pit bulls are freaking scary.
2008-03-15, 10:37 AM #34
Have any of you ever noticed that half of Obi_Kwiet's posts begin with, or at least pertain to the idea that, "People shouldn't be allowed to..."?
2008-03-15, 10:39 AM #35
Thats the way his mama taught him.
2008-03-15, 12:21 PM #36
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
People really shouldn't be allowed to just keep bred attack dogs as pets. It's one things to have a mutt coming at you, but some breeds are really dangerous. Pit bulls are freaking scary.

Pit bulls specifically were banned here a couple of years ago. Existing pets are grandfathered in with some restrictions (they have to be sterilized, and leashed/muzzled when in public).
2008-03-15, 12:33 PM #37
Pit Bulls aren't even mean unless you make them mean.

They should ban Rottweilers for their similiar temperment. ANY DOG CAN BE MEAN.
2008-03-15, 12:44 PM #38
I guess so, but why take risk? There are plenty of other dogs aren't nearly as dangerous even if they are mean.
2008-03-15, 12:58 PM #39
It's not so much that certain dogs are "dangerous by breed" but more that certain breeds are more effective than others when it comes to carrying out aggression. A miniature poodle can have the same level of temperament and bullheadedness as a rottweiler but the tiny, fluffy toy dog is not nearly as dangerous when triggered as a canine, through generations of selective breeding, designed for guarding and attacking. Any dog can turn bad, true, but certain ones can show it better through force.
2008-03-15, 12:58 PM #40
Driving is dangerous.

Why take a risk? Walking isn't nearly as dangerous.

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