Tea-sipper, character-killer
Posts: 798
I have all but the Playstation models atm.
I am waiting on the PS3, but far from the same reason. I'm waiting for it to come down to a price level whereby I won't have to take up the Pied Piper job and sell all the children as work-slaves for foriegn sweat shops. If you reckon 500 dollars is a reasonable price for a piece of hardware for entertainment then I swear you have too much money.
Even over here in England the console still stands at 400 quid and has done since it came out. Usually they all come down in price after all of the bizarre fanboys {{and fangirls in the case of Nintendo}} have slaughtered one another to get to the store counter with their new box. However, Sony seem intent on dragging as much out of gamers as they posibly can.
Of course, if the console was littered with games of ultimate worth, then fine, but there's only one or two that have attracted my attention. I want a PS3 for them very much... but not enough to sell my soul for. I'm sure it's a great machine but when you can get a 360 with stack loads of good games for less, guess where my money went.
The PS1 was the most whore-like console I have ever witnessed, a sell-out machine that would happily have allowed Pong to be released on it, unchanged and unvamped. The PS2 was fine, slow and tempremental, but fine. So what happened? When is Sony decide they had some sort of street cred?
The 360, on the other hand, was foretold as the laughing stock of the console market. After the cringe-worthy X-Box, I certainly wasn't overly enthusiastic about the emergence of a sequel. But as it turns out, the machine is the best one of the lot. Not so much because of the console quality itself, mind {{mine buggers up every chance it gets. The mere fact that they made the 'red ring' system suggests that the evil Microsoft Corp were up to their old tricks again and were well aware that the bloody things were going to naff up. Frequently enough to give us this Ring of Death, a new console version of the infamous Blue Screen of Death. I mean, this doesn't strike anyone as suspicious. Maybe they should think about making something that WORKS.}} but rather the games released are brilliant. Sure there's crappy ones, but plenty of fantastic ones too.
The Wii is clearly the most innovative of the lot. And whilst in certain respects the 'gimmick thing' holds true, I don't think anyone expressed the 'gimmick' complaint when they moved from joysticks to joypads, or shoved rumbles into them or made analogue sticks. The moment something requires more effort than thumb twirling, the moment people complain. Maybe this is a good thing because the Wii has other more pressing flaws. I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but even that won't stop me from pointing out the need for better graphics. Sure it works fine for all of the idiotic {{and I profess, occationally entertaining, in the case of Wario Ware}} mini-game... games, it's not so hot for... the rest of the gaming variations. While the likes of Mario Galaxy does look very nice and very pretty, even that could have done with a lick more in the way of graphics.
What's good about the Wii, I guess, is the fact the thing has stopped housewives shagging the plummer and playing games instead. It also means that the High School girls finally have something to talk about with the boys, albeit amidst giggles and disdain from the boys at their crap skills. But, I guess there's the downside to this in that those of us that like a more in-depth game get a smaller slice of the Wii pie.
The DS is fine, even with all of the girls and middle-aged women owning one {{seriously, I don't know about over there, but here I see most DS's in the hands of married women on the train}}, because it's still got great games for those of us that aren't into training our brains or throwing coloured bubbles about the screen. On a note, the DS was crap and the DS Lite is much better, which always irritates me no-end that a company with so much love, respect and money couldn't just release the better one first rather than pinching money from consumers.
The PSP is a definate want, although I just haven't found the appropriate excuse to squander money on one from beneath my gf's gaze. It's got some nice-looking RPGs on it, but the stupid mini-film thing was absolutely absurd unless you have sniper vision.
On that note, I think the comment Rob made sounds quite right. Blu-Ray, as far as I'm concerned, would merely be something... else stuck into my machine and will never be used.
The blu-ray technology is utterly pointless. Christ, the HD was stupid and blu-ray just does the same thing as that but better {{apparently}}. But let's face it, unless a technology really does something helpful then we don't need it. DVDs look fine enough. Their predecessors, videos {{I watched one not so long ago and wondered how we coped}} were crap in comparison to DVDs. A DVD holds more, allows us to select things and looks a lot better. A blu-ray... looks better. That's it, right? As far as films go, at least. This is just Sony trying to monopolise something else. Seriously, blu-ray is pointless. The next real change will be downloading films from online stores through your TV... which can already be done, right? Maybe even virtual 3Dness. Whatever it is will be different, better and more helpful to make us fatter and lazier than ever. If it's not war that promotes technology advancements, it's convenience.
Sorry this is such a long post and... slightly unrelated but I just felt compelled to rant. In the future this'll be beamed into your head and you'll have to listen to me rant! Ah, the convenience... and horror :p