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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread about games that had alot of potential..
Thread about games that had alot of potential..
2008-03-21, 9:56 PM #41
[dark hallway]
[dark bathroom]
[dark duct]
[dark room]
[decently lit room]
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-03-21, 10:48 PM #42
Yeah, I would add Doom 3 to my list. Awesome looking graphics and great environments for its time, I just wished they keep the gameplay up to that par.

I honestly want to go back and do statistics on Doom3. Like the ratio of fireball-throwing Imps to the amount of enemies of each level.
2008-03-22, 12:05 AM #43
Doom 3 had plastic :Colbert:
2008-03-22, 7:15 AM #44
Originally posted by Spook:
Dammit boco I think you are Jon all the time and I read your stuff and I am like "WTF Jon is not talking right!"

It's that damn yellow user title, I'm doing the same thing.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2008-03-22, 10:27 AM #45
Despite it not being as deep as SS2 I still loved Bioshock. I beat the final boss easily first time through though - I don't know if anyone else did this but I pumped all my available slots to melée power and just beat my way through the game with the spanner. Most fun.

As for the thread, I was peeved when the sequel to Crimson Skies was XBox only. Might see if I can track it down to play it on my 360 - I loved the first one with all the available manlove in my penis.
2008-03-22, 10:45 AM #46
Originally posted by Martyn:
Despite it not being as deep as SS2 I still loved Bioshock. I beat the final boss easily first time through though - I don't know if anyone else did this but I pumped all my available slots to melée power and just beat my way through the game with the spanner. Most fun.

Agreed. I overused Telekinesis to hell, though :P
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-03-22, 1:06 PM #47
I thought Doom 3 was really scary (but only on a very high difficulty level, so the monsters were actually a challenge), so in that respect it was succesful. It just wasn't really.. fun.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2008-03-22, 4:08 PM #48
I used hacked security bots the most.

They RAPE the last boss. Which was a lame boss.

All the bosses were sorta lame.
2008-03-22, 7:55 PM #49
Driver 3. the driving was fun, but that is about it. I don't know if there are even any driver fans here or not...
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the galaxy."
-Jango Fett
2008-03-22, 8:02 PM #50
*raises hand*

I love the driver series, and yeah 3 was a HUGE letdown.

Parallel lines clawed it back a little though.
2008-03-22, 8:04 PM #51
The first 2 driver games are the only driving games I've played that felt responsive enough to do anything cool and trick-like. GTA is about the only other game that comes close.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-22, 8:25 PM #52
Responsive enough?

The handling in the first driver was... questionable.

ie. You could tap left and turn 90 degrees. :P
2008-03-22, 8:46 PM #53
Oblivion was, fun but it could have been a whole lot better if they didn't design it so that the environment leveled with you. The expansions could also been better if they added new provinces and or environments.

Crysis would have been much better if they didn't labor under the delusion that harder = enemies with massive amount of health.

Kotor 2 could have been good if they'd finished it. Or at least if half of the game that they shipped wasn't broken. I've played alphas that were polished by comparison.

Rainbow Six after Raven Shield would have been awesome if they hadn't turned it into another arcady corridor shooter.

UT III could have been great but they got 99.5% there and stopped caring. It's baffling how they could have done that.
2008-03-23, 4:54 AM #54
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Responsive enough?

The handling in the first driver was... questionable.

ie. You could tap left and turn 90 degrees. :P

Really? I had to use the handbrake to take any turn past 30 degrees quickly. Enjoyed the first, though, never played the second, and "Driv3r" was awful.
2008-03-23, 9:09 AM #55
I think that's what I loved about it. If you master handbreak turning, you could outrun even cars that were faster than you.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-23, 11:09 AM #56
Anachronox would have been good if it was more than half a game. The flaws in the game really stand out when the ending comes suddenly and the plot is left unfinished.
2008-03-23, 11:18 AM #57
I loved Drivers one and two, Two was awesome because i hadn't played GTA yet and only had a ps1 and a pos computer so GTA3 was out of the question. Driver 3 made me hate atari, what a huge ****ing letdown, there i was telling all my friends its gonna be awesome and then it has to go fail more then a dyslexic at calculus. Driver Parallel Lines is nice becuase it offers me a hold off untill GTA4 comes out.
2008-03-23, 11:49 AM #58
Deus Ex 2.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-23, 7:29 PM #59
Originally posted by Baconfish:
*raises hand*

I love the driver series, and yeah 3 was a HUGE letdown.

Parallel lines clawed it back a little though.

Parallel lines gameplay was good, but I like the old undercover cop thing better than being the bad guy. although in driver 3 it didn't make much sense to be able to kill cops, as a cop...

And I'm not a big fan of the GTA series so Parallel Lines was sorta bitter-sweet for me.
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the galaxy."
-Jango Fett
2008-03-24, 10:33 AM #60
Oh yeah it was nowhere near as good as the first once but it was quite funky being able to reverse 180 at 70mph and start firing a grenade launcher at people chasing you.

2008-03-24, 10:50 AM #61
<3 that trick.
2008-03-24, 11:29 AM #62
I have to agree on timeshift. Great concept, but very crappy level designs, horrible AI, average graphics... WAY too easy and short.

I played the Bioshock demo about a week ago. The story sounded very interesting, but overall the gameplay was pretty weak. 'Hacking' the turrets and such made me feel like I was playing HL2 over again.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-03-24, 6:43 PM #63
Originally posted by Connection Problem:
Assassin's Creed. Painful, painful combat system.

Really? :(

I haven't played it, I've just gotten my XBox 360 and I'm seeking games (I have Halo 3, obviously) and Assassin's Creed looks awesome. Is it really not? :(
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2008-03-24, 7:03 PM #64
What? Assassin's Creed (for the 360 at least) had an excellent control scheme. It worked perfectly.

And yes Mort-Hog, the game is excellent, just don't be mad at the ending (it's more of a trilogy so it's a little less fulfilling).
2008-03-24, 7:21 PM #65
He said combat system, not control scheme.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-24, 7:30 PM #66
The original Spyro games (the 3 released on the ps1) were masterpieces, all of the rest were.. how should I put it... ****!

I've never played Driv3r; the general consensus is that it sucks, but I still occasionally play Driver 2 (PSP ftw).

I'm surprised nobody has stated JO. Dark Forces and Jedi Knight (yes, even MotS) were fantastic, but I sensed a degradation of quality in JO.

Splinter Cell in my opinion had amazing potential, but there were definate bad points that sort of ruined the game for me. The lighting isn't very consistent, and although the sneaking action was many times greater than MGS, Metal Gear has an infinite times greater replay value, and even during the first play through Splinter Cell felt repetitive (switch, guard, camera, guard, door, repeat).

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops failed miserably, and in my opinion it was for the simple fact that the PSP lacks two analog nubs. That lack, in fact, was the primary cause for the PSP's failure. Since a huge majority of PSP titles are PS2 ports, the control schemes are always jacked around with, and the games never feel quite right. Also, only one analog nub effectively eliminates the FPS genre from the PSP. Portable Ops was good for a PSP title, but for the average system? FAIL.
2008-03-24, 7:36 PM #67
I just remembered.
Force Commander
It was supposed to be the greatest thing ever, huge battles, uber (at the time) 3D graphics and AT-ATs, it failed, badly.
2008-03-24, 7:48 PM #68
Originally posted by LividDK27:
"Driv3r" was awful.

i'll agree... underneath the turd of a game it had potential (driving worked, the on foot stuff was passable, it looked nice, but the story and missions sucked a big floppy donkey [beep])
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2008-03-24, 7:53 PM #69

The shooting was horrible.
2008-03-25, 5:46 AM #70
the shooting in GTA was horrible too but that didnt stop it
2008-03-25, 6:30 AM #71
what spe said... you gotta compare to similar games at the time... and trust me i've seen similar open world sandbox games with worse shooting (True Crime Streets of LA... which is another that had some potential but fell way short... only in this case it had ok missions and story but the controls are sloppy)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2008-03-25, 12:45 PM #72
Originally posted by Reid:
I'm surprised nobody has stated JO. Dark Forces and Jedi Knight (yes, even MotS) were fantastic, but I sensed a degradation of quality in JO.

I never considered JO a failure. If anything, JO made you feel more of a Jedi than JK/MotS ever did. And the saber combat felt good (face it, JK's sabering sucked). I'll accept JA as more a failed game.
2008-03-25, 9:13 PM #73
JA felt more like an expansion than a game.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-03-25, 9:36 PM #74
I just look at JA as.. Well what we all abreviate it as, Jedi Acadamy, Not Jedi Knight: Jedi Acadamy just Jedi Acadamy. A game on its own. Its much better when you dont compare it to a masterpiece like JK.

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