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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sith 2.1, should I do it?
Sith 2.1, should I do it?
2008-03-21, 4:55 PM #41
Originally posted by Cogman:
My main reason for using c++ is because I am not familiar with C#.

Considering how easy C# is to learn, that's a terrible reason.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-21, 5:25 PM #42
Originally posted by Cogman:
My main reason for using c++ is because I am not familiar with C#. My next reason for using C++ is that it will be easier to port to different OSes.
I hope you have plenty of alcohol as you are going to need it when you delve into MFC or just use C++ w/ Win32 (I don't know which is worse).

Originally posted by Cogman:
I hope to first get this game working on linux then on windows (Just for a good change :))
Develop on the platform with the most users, that being Windows, first. I don't want to install Ubuntu on my machine to play your game and/or wait for your Windows port. I want your game to work with my ****. I'm not the only person going to be sharing these setiments. Not following this assures 95% failure chances.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-03-21, 6:18 PM #43
Aww Linux first?
Damnit, i wanted to play it while it was in beta, thats always fun.
2008-03-21, 6:26 PM #44
I vote yes on Linux first then Windows ;)
2008-03-21, 6:55 PM #45
Thats because your a neckbeard.
2008-03-21, 7:34 PM #46
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-03-21, 7:41 PM #47
2008-03-21, 8:13 PM #48
Your mom is a neckbeard.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-03-21, 8:16 PM #49
Originally posted by Cogman:
I hope to first get this game working on linux then on windows (Just for a good change :))

Yes, let's reduce the player base of Sith 2.1 further!
2008-03-21, 9:26 PM #50
If you want to make it cross-platform you should be using SDL. That would make porting to or from Windows nearly trivial.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-21, 9:45 PM #51
this has failure written on it in so many ways
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2008-03-21, 9:50 PM #52
code fight
code fight
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-03-21, 10:13 PM #53
google fight!
2008-03-21, 11:30 PM #54
Originally posted by Cogman:
Yep, it would have to be sector based to keep compatability. However if I do finish it, there would be nothing stopping me from adding bsp support (assuming I learn exactally how that is implemented. I haven't done mapping for anything except jedi knight)

How much 3D game programming experience do you have?
2008-03-22, 12:25 AM #55
I only had one issue with the Sith 2 beta I received. With maps that had a lot of visible adjoins it ran slower than the original. Maybe it was my computer hardware but I'm not sure.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-03-22, 1:23 AM #56
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
I only had one issue with the Sith 2 beta I received. With maps that had a lot of visible adjoins it ran slower than the original. Maybe it was my computer hardware but I'm not sure.

Haha, nope!
2008-03-22, 8:49 PM #57
I've actually been on and off working on some of the visibility code, which was kind of messy, and using a more advanced system of precalculation. By the way, "BSP support" wouldn't be exlusive of sector geometry -- you'd just calculate a BSP tree from the geometry the first time a level is loaded, and use that.

I will say that Jon`C laid a fantastic foundation for the engine. You might want to reconsider a full rewrite, I'm not sure if you really understand what you'd be getting yourself into. If you're looking at a project to do on your own and you intend to spend upwards of two years on it, this might not be the right project.
Question Marks
Confusable Words
Plague Words
2008-03-22, 8:56 PM #58
I know basically nothing about programming, but if you want to do it you should do it. That said, if you're looking for an opensource-type game to work on have you considered the []Freespace 2 SCP[/url]? It might be better, motivation-wise.

PS, once there was a spooky taco who wanted to take over the world.
2008-03-22, 9:18 PM #59
Originally posted by lordvader:
I'm not sure if you really understand what you'd be getting yourself into.


Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-23, 2:15 PM #60
Heh, I had a definite pipe dream of doing a pretty much direct clone (dumbed down from SITH2) using DirectX so that it could run on the Xbox. The whole issue of re-writing everything to run on ~ DX6 (roughly what the Xbox runs on from what I understand) wouldn't be too tough, but physics are where the real issue lies. Sure, there's always the possibility of using an open source canned physics engine, but then there's still the issue of calibrating every little subtle nuance to match the original physics.

Honestly, as much as I would hope for an completed open source JK engine, we'd have better luck waving upwards of 250,000 US dollars in Lucasarts' face to buy the old engine outright, then upgrade from there. Yes, even then we'd likely rewrite the engine, but we would have the original source as reference.

Before anyone gets their hopes up, I seriously doubt Lucasarts will sell SITH, even for 250,000. And honestly, I think the issue lies in the fact that they used the engine for Paramount's Indiana Jones game. I'm no legal expert, but that seems like enough to have them step back and play it safe. I still hold onto the hope that someday 3-6 years down the road they'll release it, long after contracts have expired and they 100% own any and all rights. As of now the whole "you can't mod Indiana Jones" EULA issue will always make them play it safe.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2008-03-23, 3:57 PM #61
The Xbox has a modified GeForce 3, which supports up to DirectX 8. Any developer using anything but DX8 on the Xbox is probably retarded.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-23, 4:46 PM #62
Yeah, DirectX 6 was 1998.

I doubt Infernal Machine is keeping their hands tied; that was nearly 10 years ago and wasn't released that long after JK. For example, id Software didn't wait that long after licensing the Q3 engine for another title to release it's source. I realize we're dealing with two different companies and two seperate licenses, but if they had really wanted to release the source, Infernal Machine wouldn't have caused that great of a delay.

LEC won't release it more likely because they don't stand to profit from it. Plus it's a decade old engine with a very small surviving community.
2008-03-23, 4:56 PM #63
I don't think anyone's ever said "No," though. At the same time, if I recall, no one even HAS the source code.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-23, 5:01 PM #64
How would you go by even contacting them? Who would these days even know of the Sith engine in the PR department?

Not every company is like id software. At best we can do is maybe contact Sige, but it seems Sige has abandoned us.
2008-03-23, 10:40 PM #65
Originally posted by Echoman:
How would you go by even contacting them? Who would these days even know of the Sith engine in the PR department?

Not every company is like id software. At best we can do is maybe contact Sige, but it seems Sige has abandoned us.

It's probably in his employment contract that he can't come on here anymore.
2008-03-23, 10:42 PM #66
Originally posted by Brian:

2008-03-24, 7:31 AM #67
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I don't think anyone's ever said "No," though. At the same time, if I recall, no one even HAS the source code.

That's really the issue. 11 years of storing code is unlikely.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2008-03-24, 7:45 AM #68
Actually, I'm fairly confident that they not only have the source code, but all the original material and editing software used. And all the media, and marketing materials, etc. If nothing else, they'd keep it to help enforce their copyrights.
2008-03-24, 7:49 AM #69
Yeah, most companies would archive stuff like that.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-03-24, 8:31 AM #70
Sige no longer works for LucasArts. The job wasn't quite what he wanted to do, so he returned to grad school. I think he worked there for a year.

If he had had access to the JK source code, I am fairly sure he would have given it to me.

2008-03-24, 11:16 AM #71
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Actually, I'm fairly confident that they not only have the source code, but all the original material and editing software used. And all the media, and marketing materials, etc. If nothing else, they'd keep it to help enforce their copyrights.

It's also the cool new thing to use crap old stuff to make crap new stuff for handhelds because we all basically have pentium 2s in our pockets these days.
2008-03-24, 1:36 PM #72
How interesting. I think I'd be partial to Jedi Knight on my mobile in the future. Cutscenes would look better for one.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2008-03-24, 4:10 PM #73
Originally posted by ZeqMacaw:
If he had had access to the JK source code, I am fairly sure he would have given it to me.

Couldn't he have been fired/prosecuted for something like that though?
2008-03-24, 6:34 PM #74
Originally posted by SithGhost:
Couldn't he have been fired/prosecuted for something like that though?

That's probably why he put the emoticon at the end of his post.
2008-03-24, 8:02 PM #75
Originally posted by Aglar:
That's probably why he put the emoticon at the end of his post.

doh! My mistake. :downswords:
2008-03-25, 12:37 AM #76
Go for it. Your time is of no value to me, and I would definitely play it as soon as it was playable. While I suppose a "Linux-first" policy might be a bad idea for reasons already mentioned, you should develop it such that everything comes out at the same time and you don't have to spend much time to port it from one to the other.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-03-25, 2:17 AM #77
Originally posted by Cogman:
So here is what Ill propose, I don't know if there where any designs done for Sith 2, but for probably the first month (April) I will work solely on getting a working design. The design will involve CRC cards that I will make available to anyone that would like to help.

After the design is done, I will make all aspects of it public and look for input as well as design flaws ect. This will probably go though the second month (May). Then, the coding begins. Ill start at the bottom of the tree and work my way up. Anyone that is willing to donate code would be appreciated, but I will demand a high standard be followed to the Tee.

lol, waterfall.

Originally posted by Cogman:
So, what do you all think, Am I living a pipe dream?

From what you've posted in this thread, yes I do.
2008-03-25, 2:50 AM #78
This was posted by one of the admins at a while back regarding attempting to get the MW4 source code from MS. Apparently MS did offer it to them sometime last year, but with too many strings attached.

I found it interesting as it's somewhat relevant to discussions on the JK source.

(note: battletech online game rights[not mw source] have since been sold or licenced or something by MS to Jordan Weisman)

OK, here's what my discussion with the various companies involved with this came down to:

WizKids - All for it, but cannot give legal permission for anything having to do with BattleTech in computer/console format.

FASA Studios - Again, cannot give permission themselves to any group to use BattleTech concepts in any online game.

Microsoft - Here was the fun one. Took a number of phone calls and departments, but finally ended up talking to several people in development, legal, publishing and production. Microsoft currently owns all rights to BattleTech in digital format (it is more specific than that, but that is the short version).

At this time, Microsoft will not stop the production of a digital project that uses BattleTech as its basis. The primary requirement for this to continue would of course be that the project be not-for-profit. As soon as profit is involved, Microsoft gets rather antsy about it, and is likely to come down like a ton of bricks, as they truthfully should.

Here's the kicker though. The above is their CURRENT policy, and is subject to change. In the past they have only really come down on those that have been developing projects involving profit that used Microsoft owned concepts, while leaving other projects alone. Several examples were given of each type. But that policy is subject to change. This means that down the road, Microsoft could decide to protect their rights to the BattleTech intellectual property more closely, and shutdown any ongoing project involving that material.

I also discussed with them the subject of the MW4 source code. They readdress this matter internally about every 3 months. The CURRENT policy is that they do not want to release the source code due to the size of the remaining community, and the damage it could do. Microsoft does not have a policy of releasing source code to individuals or limited groups. The only way they would do so would be in entering a very restrictive NDA contract with said individual or groups, with legal penalties if said contract were breached (source code became public for example). Thus if NBT or MekTek were to be granted the source code, it would basically be under constant threat of legal action if somebody were able to leak or hack into the resources available. If money were being made on it, great, but to sign up for that danger while making zippo in income is hardly a promising situation.

The only way Microsoft would release the source code (under current policy as of last week) would be to the public at large. The problem with that of course if the hacks and cheats that would run rampant. So Microsoft has to find the magic community level where the community is small enough that releasing the source code doesn't do that much damage, but still large enough that there are people left to make use of it. For our purposes, I do not forsee that being in the near future, or at least not soon enough to make a difference to our current community.
2008-03-25, 5:31 AM #79
Originally posted by Giraffe:
lol, waterfall.

heee :downs:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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