careful... joncy my bring out his die hard shots again and i'll feel obligated to back him up on the whole bluray being better than dvd arguement again
of course i got bored so here are some quick hot fuzz comparisons this one isn't some super closeup detail shot but the differences are noticable
DVD upscaled to 1280x720
HD DVD downscaled to 1280x720
HD DVD direct grab
and i buy almost everything in some form of physical media... the only thing i can accept buying as a download is the occasional video game through steam, xbox live arcade, or PSN store
movies... downloads are rarely ever straight purchases but some "rental" BS and i can get DVD rentals cheaper i won't argue bitrate on standard def downloads since they are usually using a better codec and can get away with those lower bitrates however HD downloads are always lower bitrate and more prone to compression artifacts and then there's the whole DRM issue
porn... what the internet was really made for... only a select few get purchased on DVD and those tend to fall into "adult film" category (meaning it actually has some level of real production value and story... of course 90% of them were made in the 60s and 70s and most of us know what kind of hairdos were around back then

music... i'm not paying for lossy files with stupid DRM... DRM free lossless would be tempting but i still like to have a CD
games... i've already said i'm not against digital distribution for games... i like to have a box and manual but these days the manuals are getting to be thinner and nothing more than installation instructions and the default control layout a few games don't even include printed manuals and the only advantage there over digital distribution is a quicker install