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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Just switched over to ubuntu
Just switched over to ubuntu
2008-04-10, 9:52 AM #1
I finally fixed the keyboard for my laptop and i've decided to do a fresh install of windows. But for each of the 4,5 times I've tried to update windows, it manages to **** up in a unique way. The worse of it is that it brings down the system files with it, resulting in a fresh install of windows all over again. So I had enough beef with it and decided not to update at all and just go without the 89 updates. I was feeling pretty good for a few hours until it blue screened over night and corrupted yet another system file.

So I was like **** this, and decided to try ubuntu since i was meaning to do so since last year. the Ubuntu install went flawless, and after 201 updates it was still working spectacular. I've installed compiz fusion, swiftfox, and along with a couple of other things to tweak the os to my liking.

So far, I'm really impressed with Ubuntu. I was expecting a lot of compatibility problems with my laptop but everything works perfect down to the keyboard shortcuts. The only problems I have right now is trying to connect via wifi to my netgear router I have in my dorm and dvd playback.

For those linux users out there, are there anything in particular i should look out for? Your advice would be appreciated cause I'm still trying to familiarizing myself with ubuntu and the linux scene.
2008-04-10, 9:54 AM #2
The Ubuntu community project is currenty trying to develop for more easier useage with laptops, so I figured you wouldn't have any problems.

As for me, I'm waiting to get Hardy in two weeks :hist101:

EDIT: Yeah, I didn't think they fixed the "wireless out of the box" thing until Hardy. And I'm not sure how that works with laptops, I used a USB linksys wireless adapter and ran a script for it to work. DVD playback won't work unless you intall all the restricted codecs and such, and won't work out the box ever for legal reasons.
2008-04-10, 9:56 AM #3
Yeah :downs:

By the way, what are the differences between gutsy and heron?
2008-04-10, 9:58 AM #4
gnome networkmanager

or correct the hardware/driver problem that is causing you to bsod in windows.
2008-04-10, 10:04 AM #5
Originally posted by silent_killa:
Yeah :downs:

By the way, what are the differences between gutsy and heron?

Gutsy is 7.10. Every six months or so, they do a routine update to the next version. The next one is 8.04, Hardy Heron. New things include:

Xorg 7.3, Linux kernel 2.6.24, Gnome 2.22 (which improves Nautilus a bunch by GVFS), Firefox 3, a new bittorrent client called Transmission, very easy Wubi installation, a neat remote desktop application, along a few other things.
2008-04-10, 10:13 AM #6
From my experience with ubuntu, it's a pretty good OS for everyday use.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2008-04-10, 10:57 AM #7
I've been using and loving it since 5.10.

For DVD playback:

Open /etc/apt/sources.list as superuser:
gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add this line:
deb gutsy free non-free
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
That should do it for you.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-10, 11:23 AM #8
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-04-10, 11:28 AM #9
So, yeah. couple of ways to do it.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-10, 1:24 PM #10
Ubuntu is great. Despite being a CS major, I'm really not a big linux geek. I just want a nice desktop OS that lets me use my computer without tinkering with a lot of crap. Ubuntu fits the bill nicely.
2008-04-10, 4:11 PM #11
Originally posted by Anovis:
The Ubuntu community project is currenty trying to develop for more easier useage with laptops, so I figured you wouldn't have any problems.

As for me, I'm waiting to get Hardy in two weeks :hist101:

EDIT: Yeah, I didn't think they fixed the "wireless out of the box" thing until Hardy. And I'm not sure how that works with laptops, I used a USB linksys wireless adapter and ran a script for it to work. DVD playback won't work unless you intall all the restricted codecs and such, and won't work out the box ever for legal reasons.

Oh sweet. I'll be looking forward to it. Would I need to remove Hardy completely? Or can I just do a step-up?


For some reason, doing that key thing got my wireless internet working. Before it will just be stuck at waiting for network, or acquiring for ip address.


I tried doing that, and installed all the codecs and as well as enabling the dvd playback. But for some reason it still refuses to play.


Im beginning to feel the same way. I only used it for 3 days, but I'm really appreciating the < 1 min boot times and how snappy everything is!
2008-04-10, 5:32 PM #12
Ubuntu is a great linux distro, but every time I try it, I end up giving up with frustration because there's always something that simply won't work. Be it something hardware related, or a game, or frustrating UI, it never lasts.
2008-04-10, 6:56 PM #13
gnome is for fags :awesomelon:
2008-04-10, 6:58 PM #14
Originally posted by stat:
gnome is for fags :awesomelon:

If you tell me you use ugly KDE, then you have no right to say that...

Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-10, 7:08 PM #15
I use both desktop environments.


Plot twist!
2008-04-10, 7:12 PM #16
Originally posted by Vegiemaster:
If you tell me you use ugly KDE, then you have no right to say that...


lrn2 Appearance and Themes default gnome is no better looking than default kde anyway
2008-04-10, 8:00 PM #17
I've been using Ubuntu since 5.10 as well.
Originally posted by silent_killa:
Oh sweet. I'll be looking forward to it. Would I need to remove Hardy completely? Or can I just do a step-up?

You'll be able to upgrade. If you do it the day it comes out it will probably take four or five hours, but you can upgrade. There's also a way to use the alternative install CD to upgrade without reinstallation. Of course, if you haven't done much customization, installed a lot of extra programs, or saved a lot of files by that point (given that it's only a few weeks away), you might be better off downloading the LiveCD again (torrents fly on release days) and reinstalling.

I tried doing that, and installed all the codecs and as well as enabling the dvd playback. But for some reason it still refuses to play.

What are you playing it with and what exactly is it doing? Totem (the default movie player) can play DVDs but doesn't do menus yet, so strange things sometimes happen when you try. I recommend VLC for DVDs, as its menu support is very good.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-04-10, 8:31 PM #18
I couldn't use Ubuntu regularly because of some games I play, but it is a nice and fun operating system. But I think Windows XP runs better
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-04-10, 8:49 PM #19
For games, yes.
2008-04-10, 9:11 PM #20
Windows Vista
2008-04-11, 10:03 AM #21
Originally posted by TheCarpKing:
What are you playing it with and what exactly is it doing? Totem (the default movie player) can play DVDs but doesn't do menus yet, so strange things sometimes happen when you try. I recommend VLC for DVDs, as its menu support is very good.

Oh, I'm just trying totem out with the pirates of the carribean dvd. It seems like it does play the movie, but it will stop working once you try to fast forward or rewind. I'll try VLC right now. Thanks for the heads up = ]

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