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ForumsDiscussion Forum → ITTで日本語が話します
2008-04-14, 2:50 PM #41
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
2008-04-14, 2:51 PM #42
Ladies and Gentlemen, from Las Angeles, California, Spaceghost!

2008-04-14, 2:54 PM #43
Tut da la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa la la

2008-04-14, 3:05 PM #44
that guy sounds like a girl
2008-04-14, 3:10 PM #45
2008-04-14, 3:19 PM #46
here is an animes

it is the best animes

2008-04-14, 4:12 PM #47
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2008-04-14, 4:24 PM #48
Michael Jackson

Lucky Star

"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2008-04-14, 4:36 PM #49
2008-04-14, 4:59 PM #50
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2008-04-14, 5:02 PM #51
the title of that picture should be Anovis in Japan
2008-04-14, 5:33 PM #52
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-04-15, 6:20 AM #53
Originally posted by stat:
the title of that picture should be Anovis in Japan

My rice hat is more flat and darker
2008-04-15, 6:58 AM #54

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-04-15, 7:35 AM #55
2008-04-15, 8:15 AM #56
thats not japanese thats american.

you guys arent good at this thread.

(korean animation sweatshops dont count)
2008-04-15, 11:15 AM #57
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-04-15, 12:04 PM #58
Speaking of Korean sweatshops...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-04-15, 12:35 PM #59
[Edit - Oh hey there, enjoy your ban ^_^ ]
Quote Originally Posted by Chaz Ghostle
some gay men prefer to have partners with smaller, softer bodies[. . .]It really all comes down to what you like.
2008-04-15, 12:38 PM #60
I've definitely never seen a shinigami's zanpakutō become that HUGE
Attachment: 19076/rukia.jpg (12,502 bytes)
2008-04-15, 12:40 PM #61
Originally posted by TheCarpKing:

Dude you are SO creepy.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-04-15, 12:46 PM #62
Originally posted by Spook:
Dude you are SO creepy.

don't hate the playa hate the game
2008-04-15, 12:49 PM #63
Originally posted by Spook:
Sucker for a well dressed blonde with a revolver.

cowboy bebop more like grenadier am i right
2008-04-15, 12:50 PM #64
those are two grown men.

"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2008-04-15, 1:49 PM #65
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-15, 2:01 PM #66
Originally posted by Vegiemaster:

the desudesu catchphrase thing is basically the english equivalent to making a big deal out of someone saying "is" instead of using contractions




2008-04-15, 2:02 PM #67
but I also like to contribute to people believing that the smw romhack 'super kaizo world' translates to 'super ***hole world' when it really just means modified.

thats the way i roll :cool:
2008-04-15, 2:30 PM #68
What are you people talking about, it's like you're speaking another language or something. What.
2008-04-15, 2:54 PM #69
Originally posted by stat:

Wtf?? :tinfoil:
2008-04-15, 2:56 PM #70
Originally posted by Zell:
Wtf?? :tinfoil:

なので正三角形もコンパスと定規だけで作図できる。n が 2 の累乗数の場合やkekekekekekeke

2008-04-15, 2:56 PM #71
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
What are you people talking about, it's like you're speaking another language or something. What.

well, you see,

desu is a japanese copula used to link a subject and a predicate. the english copula is the equivalent of the verb 'to be'.

for instance, if you wanted to say that you were amerikkkan, you'd say:

watashi wa america-jin desu

with 'desu' linking the subject (watashi - or me, the subject being indicated by the particle 'wa') and the predicate (america-jin, with the nationality indicated by the -jin suffix). (note that explicitly stating yourself as the subject is impolite unless you are attempting to strike a direct comparison between yourself and another, or if the subject cannot be discerned from context).

in certain situations and politeness levels, you can replace desu with da. sometimes you can even omit it. but i dont know japanniasian so i cant explain when or where you would use it!!!!!
2008-04-15, 3:10 PM #72
Originally posted by Jon`C:
well, you see,

desu is a japanese copula used to link a subject and a predicate. the english copula is the equivalent of the verb 'to be'.

for instance, if you wanted to say that you were amerikkkan, you'd say:

watashi wa america-jin desu

with 'desu' linking the subject (watashi - or me, the subject being indicated by the particle 'wa') and the predicate (america-jin, with the nationality indicated by the -jin suffix). (note that explicitly stating yourself as the subject is impolite unless you are attempting to strike a direct comparison between yourself and another, or if the subject cannot be discerned from context).

in certain situations and politeness levels, you can replace desu with da. sometimes you can even omit it. but i dont know japanniasian so i cant explain when or where you would use it!!!!!

What he says is correct, of course you can use da when talking to close friends and family. Desu is proper for just formal greetings. Japs rarely omit it because it sounds bad/improper to, but acceptable.

Also don't study japanese, you'll be learning 3-4 different languages in one, and the classrooms are always filled with people that saw the latest episode of death note in Japanese and saying one line they learned over and over to each other. There's also guys that look like they're freaked out because they took the course for their language credits and have no idea what the **** is going on. And...yeah
2008-04-15, 3:17 PM #73
Originally posted by Zell:
Wtf?? :tinfoil:

It's three different men who get shot. The first two go out and do their favorite thing before finally kicking the bucket. The third one gets shot and lives his life normally as a person would, except he's clutching his chest and bleeding the entire time. It's Korean humor.
2008-04-15, 4:18 PM #74
Originally posted by Anovis:
なので正三角形もコンパスと定規だけで作図できる。n が 2 の累乗数の場合やkekekekekekeke



正三角形(せいさんかくけい)(:equilateral triangle)とは正多角形の一つで、3本のの長さが全て等しい三角形である。3つの内角の大きさが全て等しい三角形と定義してもよい。1つの内角は 60°(π/3 rad)である。また一つの内角が60°である二等辺三角形は全て正三角形となる。
[] []

正三角形の面積は一辺を a とすると [] と表わされる。 線対称な図形であり、その対称軸は各頂点から向かい合った辺に下ろした垂線で3本ある。三角形の中では最も対称軸の本数が多い。点対称な図形ではないが重心を中心とした120°の回転で元の像と重なり合う。
正多角形のうち平面を隙間なく敷き詰めることのできる図形は正三角形、正方形正六角形の三つのみである。 また正多角形のうち正多面体の面になりうるものは正三角形、正方形、正五角形の三つのみであり、そのうち面が正三角形であるものは正四面体正八面体正二十面体である。
複素数平面上で正三角形の重心を0,一つの頂点を1とすると他の2つの頂点は1の虚立方根 ω および ω2 にあたる。
2008-04-15, 4:21 PM #75
2008-04-15, 4:28 PM #76
All this moonspeak makes me desire something. Might involve tentacles.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-15, 4:31 PM #77
Originally posted by stat:
awesome pic

Best post on this thread
2008-04-15, 5:27 PM #78
Originally posted by Pommy:

正三角形(せいさんかくけい)(:equilateral triangle)とは正多角形の一つで、3本のの長さが全て等しい三角形である。3つの内角の大きさが全て等しい三角形と定義してもよい。1つの内角は 60°(π/3 rad)である。また一つの内角が60°である二等辺三角形は全て正三角形となる。
[] []

正三角形の面積は一辺を a とすると [] と表わされる。 線対称な図形であり、その対称軸は各頂点から向かい合った辺に下ろした垂線で3本ある。三角形の中では最も対称軸の本数が多い。点対称な図形ではないが重心を中心とした120°の回転で元の像と重なり合う。
正多角形のうち平面を隙間なく敷き詰めることのできる図形は正三角形、正方形正六角形の三つのみである。 また正多角形のうち正多面体の面になりうるものは正三角形、正方形、正五角形の三つのみであり、そのうち面が正三角形であるものは正四面体正八面体正二十面体である。
複素数平面上で正三角形の重心を0,一つの頂点を1とすると他の2つの頂点は1の虚立方根 ω および ω2 にあたる。

弧 AB 上に無い円 O の円周上の点 Pを取るとき、∠APB を弧 AB に対する円周角という。弧 AB に対する円周角は常に一定の大きさをもち、中心角 AOB の半分となる(円周角の定理)。 特に弦AB が直径である場合は、弧ABに対する円周角は直角になる。

円 O 上に 4 点 A、B、C、D があるとき、この 4 点を結んでできる四角形は円 O に内接するという(内接四角形)。また、円 O を四角形 ABCD の外接円という。四角形が円に内接するとき、四角形の対角の和は 180 度である(内接四角形の定理)。この逆も成立する。また、円に内接する四角形の外角は、その頂点に対する内角に等しい。
2008-04-15, 6:13 PM #79
2008-04-15, 8:21 PM #80
Originally posted by stat:
It's three different men who get shot. The first two go out and do their favorite thing before finally kicking the bucket. The third one gets shot and lives his life normally as a person would, except he's clutching his chest and bleeding the entire time. It's Korean humor.

I think the "joke" is that #3 "cheated"...or something.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.

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