How so? You're trying to call out a man pursuing his doctorate in physics, who works at CERN, on his physics. How does that deviate at all?
1) If this theory I posted holds true (which who knows, upon further testing it could easily fall apart but the mere thought that it could is exciting to me, at least) then it would be a giant step forward in the realm of time travel. Now I'm not saying it's possible, but if it is this could most certainly make it very much possible--the thing is you'd be travelling to the same point in time in a twin universe. Not at a different point in our own universe's timeline.
2) Hawking also wrote a short story about timetravel where people could only watch, not talk to anyone or affect any outcomes of any situations, and were merely observers via timetravel.
3) Why would watching evolution be such a horrible idea? Because you want it to be? We could see how things evolved the way they did, why, and therefore use controlled evolution on livestock to make them do what we want. It'd be better than steroids, better than any other kind of physical manipulation, etc. Same goes with plants, food, and limitless other plants/animals for varying reasons (the bumblebee going extinct comes to mind--what if we have to somehow get a successor to that?)
Note how all the real scientists in this thread said it was neat but not necessarily true and could easily fall apart under scrutiny?
Also, Religion IS Theology.
Finally, despite all the horrible horrible things wrong with your post and mindset, you have to know how the universe started in order to know where it's going.