Tea-sipper, character-killer
Posts: 798
The answer to this is right there in the woman's statement;
I feel that she's not specifically referring to the biological functions of her ovaries, but rather the human decision to label. Why are ovaries baby-makers? Because we decide they are, that's what we've labelled them as. We need to give everything a definition and a meaning. Something is meant to do whatever it does because we decide that's the case. Of course, this is a simple result of a logical brain, language and the desire to communicate.
On the other hand, on a less 'labelling' branch of thought;
I would say that we're all agreed that the use of a penis is to impregnate a woman, but it isn't always used for that function. I don't hear anyone proclaiming 'mass murderer' every time a teenage boy masturbates or a condom is used to stop impregnation. The woman in question might not even have been pregnant most of the blood samples, apparently, but just having a period; I would consider having an abortion at this point barely worthy of the term 'abortion'.
The tongue is meant for speech and taste, however it can also be used for oral sex. I'm pretty sure 'mother nature' or 'God' or whatever didn't design the tongue for this purpose, but we do it anyway.
Another good argument is the male G-Spot. It's location? In his arse. Does this mean we're meant to have anal sex? Well, bugger that! :p Oh, I made a funny...
Then there's there's the purpose/use of something. I'm good at writing, does that mean my purpose is to write? Can't I choose not to write?
As for the 'hoax'. Is it bollocks. She, and the University, are just covering their arses now to avoid trouble. She'd be done for ethical... stuff, whilst the University would suffer reputation loss for letting her do it in the first place.
As for the question of 'Art'. Originally, ever since 'Unmade Bed' won the Turner Prize (I think it was anyway), I was very 'anti-modern art'. However, over time I've come to accept it. The idea is not only to draw attention to social points but to raise certain issues; long gone are the days when pretty pictures were considered art. I tend to differentiate nowadays between artists and illustrators. Whilst, I still find a lot of modern art idiotic and produced by people that can't draw, I see value in the message conveyed. This is a very good example, in fact. I don't want to see the bloody thing (ha ha) but the issue raised is interesting and worthy of comment.
When I proclaimed 'I have an Unmade Bed every morning, where's my award', my mate simply turned around and said 'You didn't enter.' Basically put, 'you didn't think of the idea'. Face it, how many people would have thought of self-inducing loads of abortions and submitting it as art? I swear, in the future, the artists of the world will be beyond eccentric.