Well, I searched and didn't seem to come up with a thread about it. So... here we go.
Overall I thought it was a good movie, funny, had a relatively good story (enough of a love story to bring a GF to and still get her to enjoy it).
The hype it got on TV was very incorrect this time around. Most of them claimed it to be better than Superbad, it is NOT better. There is not as many laughs as in Superbad.
If you like very little female nudity (or nudity at all) in your movies this probably isnt for you, in fact... theres more FULL FRONTAL MALE NUDITY in this movie than female at all. It's played as a joke, but worn out quickly.
Lastly, what is the deal with movies these days?? STOP SHOWING CLIPS IN THE COMMERCIALS THAT NEVER MAKE IT IN THE MOVIE!!!!
They did it to me on Anchorman, and they do it on this movie as well. If anyone saw the commercial with Jonah Hill (i think that is his name) at the restaurant screaming "Clear everything else off! Its just ONE man!"... That entire part was deleted for a vastly less funny moment. Great job....
Anyways, overall its worth the money to go see, but not worth a second viewing in theaters....
Overall I thought it was a good movie, funny, had a relatively good story (enough of a love story to bring a GF to and still get her to enjoy it).
The hype it got on TV was very incorrect this time around. Most of them claimed it to be better than Superbad, it is NOT better. There is not as many laughs as in Superbad.
If you like very little female nudity (or nudity at all) in your movies this probably isnt for you, in fact... theres more FULL FRONTAL MALE NUDITY in this movie than female at all. It's played as a joke, but worn out quickly.
Lastly, what is the deal with movies these days?? STOP SHOWING CLIPS IN THE COMMERCIALS THAT NEVER MAKE IT IN THE MOVIE!!!!
They did it to me on Anchorman, and they do it on this movie as well. If anyone saw the commercial with Jonah Hill (i think that is his name) at the restaurant screaming "Clear everything else off! Its just ONE man!"... That entire part was deleted for a vastly less funny moment. Great job....
Anyways, overall its worth the money to go see, but not worth a second viewing in theaters....