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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Gas Tax Holiday
Gas Tax Holiday
2008-05-08, 10:55 AM #161
I hate Clinton. So much.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-05-08, 12:11 PM #162
If we have a tax holiday the price will just jump up some other way, then when the holiday ends the gas tax will make the price astronomical.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2008-05-08, 4:59 PM #163
It seems to me that the only valid objection people seem to have with the proposal is that revenue to the government will decrease during the period. I could give a damn if the government has to do with a little less for a short period of time. People that conduct their personal finance in the manner of the US government go bankrupt. There is NO sound fiscal policy in Washington and until they stop politicizing it, there never will be.

Eliminating the tax will not increase demand. The price is going to be outrageous already. It's not as if we are talking about taking the price from four dollars to two. The average person might save two to four dollars a tank for the gas they are already going to buy. For people who will do a significant amount of driving the amount they "save" will be decent. Truckers might reduce their fuel costs by $600 over the season. Tell the people who move everything we use that that isn't significant.

This debate, in congress not here, is very illustrative of why no real significant and constructive change is likely to happen.

While I don't oppose the gas tax holiday it seems rather pointless to me. Whether the tax fuel or not I already know I'm going to be paying through the nose this summer. What we need is sound energy policy. We need to go nuclear for power production. We need to exploit our own supplies of oil. Continuing this policy of non-action and complaining is going to continue to escalate the problem and as long as we vote people in who care more for the environmentalist wacko vote than enacting sound policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-05-08, 5:24 PM #164
If it seems pointless to you, then you should oppose it.

According to the numbers you posted earlier, the gas tax gets the government $110,670,000 per day. That's $9,960,300,000 over three months. The government is already spending way more than they should (*cough Iraq cough*) and $10 billion is a lot to lose, especially when the average American will save like $70 total.

We're already getting our "I hope this raises my atrocious ratings" stimulus package from Bush, this is just unnecessary. It's just for the candidates to say "Look, I saved you some money! Vote for me now!" Obama at least realizes that it's a pointless cut that may even hurt the country in the long run.
2008-05-08, 10:59 PM #165
Originally posted by Wookie06:
It seems to me that the only valid objection people seem to have with the proposal is that revenue to the government will decrease during the period. I could give a damn if the government has to do with a little less for a short period of time. People that conduct their personal finance in the manner of the US government go bankrupt. There is NO sound fiscal policy in Washington and until they stop politicizing it, there never will be.
Actually, according to McCain's plan, the government won't go wanting. People were concerned that the $9 billion cost would gut the Highway Trust Fund, which pays for roads, bridges, subways, etc. and put hundreds of thousands of workers on a three month unpaid vacation.

However, McCain has clarified that the $9 billion will be replaced by general Treasury revenues, increasing the budget deficit by another $9 billion, plus an additional $380 million per year in interest payments.

McCain's plan is an example of irresponsible fiscal policy and is at odds with his earlier campaign pledge to balance the federal budget by 2012.
2008-05-08, 11:06 PM #166
Stop muddling reality, people. Your wonky concepts of money are based on flawed logic. Hillary Clinton can do things right, on the first day, despite whatever crazy problems stand in her way. Wookie would agree.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-05-09, 9:28 AM #167
Hillary is the empty promise queen. She reigns with her husband.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2008-05-09, 9:33 AM #168
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Eliminating the tax will not increase demand. The price is going to be outrageous already. It's not as if we are talking about taking the price from four dollars to two. The average person might save two to four dollars a tank for the gas they are already going to buy. For people who will do a significant amount of driving the amount they "save" will be decent. Truckers might reduce their fuel costs by $600 over the season. Tell the people who move everything we use that that isn't significant.

Eliminating the gas tax will not increase demand, correct. Extremely rigid supply and an increased summer demand WILL increase price though. In the long run, this probably could do something (due to savings from producers being able to reinvest into more refineries lowering prices in the future). But for a short term policy, it really just won't work.

You are correct though in that this really doesn't speak towards a sound energy policy that we need, unfortunately.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-05-09, 1:54 PM #169
It seems to me that the only valid objection people seem to have with the proposal is that revenue to the government will decrease during the period. I could give a damn if the government has to do with a little less for a short period of time. People that conduct their personal finance in the manner of the US government go bankrupt. There is NO sound fiscal policy in Washington and until they stop politicizing it, there never will be.
If the government 'has to do with a little less', then so do we. The government's money IS our money.
2008-05-09, 4:58 PM #170
Originally posted by JM:
If the government 'has to do with a little less', then so do we. The government's money IS our money.

I think rather it's the other way round. Your money IS the government's money.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2008-05-09, 5:36 PM #171
Everyones money is intertwined with everyone elses.
2008-05-09, 8:29 PM #172
Originally posted by JM:
If the government 'has to do with a little less', then so do we. The government's money IS our money. I regard the goverment as another business entity whose shareholders are the electorate. Unfortunately the shareholders are dumb and thus allows the board of directors to get away with wildly stupid spending. I firmly believe that if the government were with A LOT less in their reserves, we'd see some sound spending policies. I'll see sound spending polices before landfish or I get laid, unfortunately.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-05-09, 8:35 PM #173
Play Mass Effect
According to Fox it's as close to sex as you will ever get.
2008-05-09, 11:49 PM #174
Originally posted by Wookie06:
It seems to me that the only valid objection people seem to have with the proposal is that revenue to the government will decrease during the period. I could give a damn if the government has to do with a little less for a short period of time. People that conduct their personal finance in the manner of the US government go bankrupt. There is NO sound fiscal policy in Washington and until they stop politicizing it, there never will be.

Bull****. Increasing government expenses (as is the usual Washington policy) is unsound, but decreasing government income is not? **** that.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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