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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Horrible Horrible news....
Horrible Horrible news....
2004-08-08, 5:39 PM #41
you do.

2004-08-08, 5:42 PM #42
Everyone just chill out and watch more Indiana Jones.

free mp3 ~Jump - Young America

new album Between the Dim and the Dark available now
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-08-08, 5:42 PM #43
Fantastic! Can I frame you?

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info (or something of this matter. Just smile.)
2004-08-08, 6:27 PM #44
Wee, drama. The doctor did it. He's also not really a doctor. Or a man. But he did it. Ask Brooke.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-08, 6:33 PM #45
Brooke is dead, Jaiph. Brooke is dead...

Obviously he talked too much...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info (or something of this matter. Just smile.)

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited August 08, 2004).]
2004-08-08, 6:38 PM #46


Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-08, 6:45 PM #47
*stares at everyone, then slinks off into the shadows 'G Man' style*

Member of the Minnessassian Council
2004-08-08, 6:59 PM #48
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
*stares at everyone, then slinks off into the shadows 'G Man' style*


I hated the G-Man. He was one of the few villians to actually scare me in a game in ages (I bought Half-Life two weeks ago). The man never says anything, but always is around whenever anything bad happens around you, or to you.

Fun little ancedote... When I played through Opposing Force the first time, and ran into the G-Man about half way through the game, stareing at me through a window, I seriously almost flipped out and went mad. I'd been staying up until 3AM the past 3 or 4 nights playing, and I got to that part at about 2AM. It almost felt real for a few minutes, like, I was actually there. I wanted to waste all my ammo trying to break that window and blowing his head off, while screaming incoherently, and yelling "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?"

Yeah... that was fun. I think I went to bed about 10 minutes later. I was to freaked out to keep going.

It just amazed me how they made the G-Man into a villian by simply acquainting him, with everything bad that happens to you. A door shuts and locks you into an area, then he steps in front of it and stares at you. You get out of a big fight with aliens, and he's on a platform looking down at you, and then walks off. He never says a word, yet he became a hellova villian.

Ok, enough.

Sprial, I don't care what's holding it back, I NEED to play that. I've been drooling over too many pictures, for too long, to be denied playing this thing. Work out the problems and get it online man.

Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me,
You told them all I was crazy,
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, God damn you.
Frogblast the Vent-Core!
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-08-08, 7:36 PM #49
SAJN_Master, Have you ever made a TC... NO? well then why should any of us listen to you telling us exactly how many problems you should run into while making one??
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[This message has been edited by Spiral (edited August 08, 2004).]
2004-08-08, 7:45 PM #50
Yeah, you act like he OWES you something. He doesn't owe you anything.

2004-08-08, 7:45 PM #51
Well this is a horrible thing. Can you at least point us in the direction of why it may not be released.

~Nightfire Mod~
Spoting an error in post will result in a $100 reward.
Offer expires on 6/6/06. Valid one per customer, per day.

2004-08-08, 7:48 PM #52
Well, i don't want to say something that is completly wrong, and look like a fool when it doesn't happen... The reason i brought it up, is bacause it is supposta be released withing a month... and I wanted to post it before people finished up their Laboratory MP levels, so they wouldn't be doing their work for nothing...

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2004-08-08, 8:19 PM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">SAJN_Master, Have you ever made a TC... NO? well then why should any of us listen to you telling us exactly how many problems you should run into while making one??</font>

Because, I think everyone is getting sick of excuses, and there really is no reason that you can't release this TC. Plus you make a thread 'Something bad happened, but I can't tell you what..and the TC might not come out...yeah I'll tell you all later, but I thought it would be smart to make a thread about it now and not tell you anything...even though I could have waited a week and then nobody would have had any problems'

Now I shall sit and wait for all the massassians to b**** at me for speaking my mind. Go for it, I know you wanna.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Yeah, you act like he OWES you something. He doesn't owe you anything.</font>

What the hell are you talking about?

(>º_º)> ±h³ ѳv³®-£ⁿd¡תּ9 §±ºr¥ <(º_º< ) | (>º_º)> תּℓζ ШǿѓЖ§|-Юρ <(º_º< )

[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited August 08, 2004).]
Think while it's still legal.
2004-08-08, 8:20 PM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Yeah, you act like he OWES you something. He doesn't owe you anything.


Actually, I disagree. It's true that Spiral doesn't owe people in the sense that he owes money or something, but it's kind of a trust issue. Community members went out and voiced their support for Spiral's project (did he ever get negative feedback on his JK screenshots?) only to have the carpet yanked out from under them with no real explanation.

I mean, it doesn't really make a difference to me, I'm not going to play it (I'll be in college when it comes out, so I won't have time), but I'm just sayin'...

edit - But what does kind of piss me off is the whole melodrama of the thing...

"Look at me! I'm Tracer! BLAHBLAHBLAH!"


[This message has been edited by Tracer (edited August 08, 2004).]
2004-08-08, 8:25 PM #55
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Tracer:
(did he ever get negative feedback on his JK screenshots?)</font>

I think Zuljin's obligatory "The texturing sucks." comments were there. []

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-08-08, 8:28 PM #56
He spent all this time working on a project for no money for YOU guys. You don't really have the right to be mad at him. It's not like you took out a preorder on it. Yes, I agree, it would be a huge letdown if it was delayed again, but that's our problem, not his.

And I'm not saying you couldn't be mad or disappointed that you won't get it, but you shouldn't be mad AT HIM.


[This message has been edited by BobTheMasher (edited August 08, 2004).]
2004-08-08, 8:29 PM #57
The thing about Laboratory is that it looked AWESOME when it was being made, the freaking sweet concept art is what made it for me. Now it just seems like old news. Like any other TC. it looks average. But then it gets hyped so damn much and them BAM! delay...delay...delay...delay...HYPE OMG....delay..let down...awww....

Maybe there was good reason for it all, maybe there wasn't, but in my opinion Laboratory is getting WAY over hyped. When this TC is released (we hope) I think everyone is going to expect some groundbreaking, scary-as-hell game...but they will just get a TC. A good TC? Maybe, but many people will still be let down. Then again I haven't played it yet, so I wouldn't know. So I wont say 'OMG IT SUCKS BAD' or 'OMG THIS ROXORZ SO MUCH!'

It's 2:30am and I dont know what I just typed...I think I'll go to sleep and re-read the post in the morning...I hope what I typed made sense. It was meant to sound like constructive critisism, but I have a feeling you will all take it as, yeah don't. sleepy.

(>º_º)> ±h³ ѳv³®-£ⁿd¡תּ9 §±ºr¥ <(º_º<) | (>º_º)> תּℓζ ШǿѓЖ§|-Юρ <(º_º<)
Think while it's still legal.
2004-08-08, 8:29 PM #58
/me *****es at SAJN.

Fell better now?

Good, because now I'm going to bed.

Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me,
You told them all I was crazy,
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, God damn you.
Frogblast the Vent-Core!
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-08-08, 8:45 PM #59
Hi. Welcome to the world of "real games". You just described every anticipated game in history.

2004-08-08, 9:17 PM #60
I'm not looking forward to it because of screenshots or anything. I'm looking forward to it because of that trailer. That had some of the smoothest and most realistic custom animation that I've ever seen in a JK mod, ever. I want more of it. If the level that goes with the cutscenes is awesome, well, that's just a bonus.
2004-08-08, 9:27 PM #61
Thanks man, that was my first attempt at a cutscene EVER

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2004-08-08, 9:56 PM #62
Some people are just mad because they've been following this project since it started, and it's taken so much time already. And now, just when it was supposed to be finished? BAM.

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-08-08, 10:03 PM #63

[This message has been edited by Spiral (edited August 09, 2004).]

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