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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden II
2008-06-21, 11:29 AM #1
Anyone else get/playing this one?

These kind of games are super ****ing god damn hard. It's a nice treat, everyone elses games seems too easy these days. I think I only beat the first Ninja Gaiden on NES like once.

I'm like on the 3rd chapter I guess. Pretty badical so far. It's pretty gorey, but they like screwed up the blood decals in spots because they sorta float in front of certain walls.

The new staff weapon is my favorite, it's great for cracking skulls.
2008-06-21, 12:09 PM #2
Unrealistic [hooters]. But you're a ninja, so who gives a damn. I'll try it. I didn't like Sigma though.

Edited to not confuse people with me saying "Unrealistic ****" instead of "unrealistic ****"
2008-06-21, 12:14 PM #3
You don't think unrealistic hooters might be confusing?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-06-21, 12:22 PM #4
I would have it if I had a 360. Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox is one of my favorite games. I've played it almost more than any other Xbox game.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-06-21, 12:38 PM #5
Was never a fan of the ninja gaiden series. I prefer tenchu.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-06-21, 7:10 PM #6
Dude what?

Tenchu stealth assassin SUCKED. What a pile of crap!
2008-06-21, 9:01 PM #7
Tenchu 3 was a damn good game in my opinion.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-06-22, 5:22 PM #8
Just finished Chapter 1. I really like the game mechanic where lesser foes are quickly dispatched by removing a limb and performing an "obliteration".
2008-06-22, 5:32 PM #9
Originally posted by Connection Problem:
Just finished Chapter 1. I really like the game mechanic where lesser foes are quickly dispatched by removing a limb and performing an "obliteration".

Oh yeah, Obliteration is pretty awesome.
2008-06-22, 6:15 PM #10
lol gai
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-06-22, 7:08 PM #11
Atleast Ryu cuts others instead of himself.
2008-06-26, 8:05 PM #12
Ok, I need some help, badly. I'm on Chapter 3 and I need to make this wall jump from a broken set of stairs to the next stairs.

It looks like this:

|                          ==================

That's a top down view, the ( are the starting stairs and the ===== are the destination stairs. The starting stairs are at a lower elevation than the target stairs. I made the jump once, and the next enemy basically just tossed me back down into the water, so I have to do it again. I totally don't get what angle I need to jump at to get him to run on the second wall. 99% of the time he just plants a foot on the second wall and drops down, or does a backflip directly backwards. I have no clue if I'm jumping off the first wall too early, or too late, or if its the camera or stick direction... It's utterly ridiculous that there's no indication of what to do to make the jump properly. It just makes me want to toss the game/controller out the window, and it's a shame because the combat is so much fun. I wasted like 20 minutes and gave up after trying again for 10.

All the ****ing walkthroughs just say do a wall jump. Like it's nothing at all.:psyduck:
2008-06-26, 9:29 PM #13
You should be able to like walk on one wall, hten onto the other wall by hitting the jump button I think.

I have this game and I'm somewhere in Chapter 3. Good game. I sorta got into the first one but didn't get the chance to play it all the way through, only to chapter 2 or something.
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2008-06-27, 4:51 AM #14
I started playing this today, seems pretty cool and fun so far.
I can see it getting old kinda fast though, we shall see.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-06-27, 4:55 AM #15
Just to let you all know, the Archfiend is ridiculously hard. I had to fight him three times just to figure out how to hurt him.

For obliteration; it works on everything except bosses and (I think) the centaurs. It might also not work on the dinosaur-mechs. At least, I never did one on them. You should use it often, especially in group encounters. You're invulnerable while it plays the animation, and a disabled enemy can often be devastating. (The tac-ops ninja squads in particular. They'll tackle you with a grenade. It kills them, and takes away half your bar at least.)

Upgrade your weapons as fast as you can. You'll need the triple-swallow when you start meeting hordes of black spider ninja.

Use the scythe against bosses. (Once you get it, obviously) It slaughters them. Some of the bosses later in the game I defeated with two volleys from that thing.

You can block explosions, even a incendiary shuriken stuck in you. You'll need to do this. A lot. For rockets, you can block one, but it will flinch you. So don't try and block a rocket volley. For the fiends that shoot fireballs, don't block.

Learn to block and counter. And learn when an attack can't be blocked. Many of the enemies have canned sequences where you can block the first N hits, but after that they'll hit you anyway. These same sequences leave the enemy wide open for counter attacks between the blockable hits, so exploit it.

All in all, it's a much easier game then the 'first one' on the xbox. Some of the enemies are harder, but the new health system makes it much easier all around. The incredibly annoying fish have been replaced with incredibly annoying dogs. Oh, and, the fish are still incredibly annoying. It still has it's random wtf boss fights. At one point, I think in chapter 5, I was just going along and then suddenly it's 'wtf a dragon? Awesome!' and then I had to kill it.
2008-06-27, 5:01 AM #16
That's a top down view, the ( are the starting stairs and the ===== are the destination stairs. The starting stairs are at a lower elevation than the target stairs. I made the jump once, and the next enemy basically just tossed me back down into the water, so I have to do it again. I totally don't get what angle I need to jump at to get him to run on the second wall. 99% of the time he just plants a foot on the second wall and drops down, or does a backflip directly backwards. I have no clue if I'm jumping off the first wall too early, or too late, or if its the camera or stick direction... It's utterly ridiculous that there's no indication of what to do to make the jump properly. It just makes me want to toss the game/controller out the window, and it's a shame because the combat is so much fun. I wasted like 20 minutes and gave up after trying again for 10.

All the ****ing walkthroughs just say do a wall jump. Like it's nothing at all.

It is nothing at all. This part gave me a little trouble too, since it's the first time in the game you have to do it, and the timing is changed from the first one.

Do a wall run off the lower platform. Right before your wall run runs out, press and hold jump again. Ryu will jump forward to the next wall, then run along it. If you press and release jump, he'll jump, grab the wall, and drop. If you press jump twice, he'll jump, then back flip off the wall.

There's another spot coming up in that level where you have to wall-run along the sides of a canyon.
2008-06-27, 8:33 PM #17
Thanks, with that tip I got it in 2 gos. I thought I wasn't pressing jump enough, and I probably would've never guessed that I needed to press it less.

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