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ForumsDiscussion Forum → GALACTIC COMEBACK- The SWGB Story
2008-07-24, 7:03 PM #1
I'm not very sure how many of you have actually played this game, but I accepted it like Dark Forces, Galactic Battlegrounds. Galactic Battlegrounds (or GB) brought what Force Commander couldn't. Easier Gameplay, more possibilities, several modes of free play and campaign, and most importantally, MULTIPLAYER, the most important feature off all.


SW Stratagy was introduced shortly after Dark Forces, in a game called Rebellion. Many fans disliked it because of a complicated toolbar. Many said strategy could never make it in Star Wars. BUT THEY WERE DARN WRONG!!!


Force Commander (FC) was a 3D based Rebellion (see above).

I GOTTA GO, so in short terms start setting up MP games for Galactic Battlegrounds!! TONIGHT!!!!

2008-07-24, 7:05 PM #2
2008-07-24, 7:05 PM #3
2008-07-24, 7:05 PM #4
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2008-07-24, 7:07 PM #5
Force Commander wasn't a 3D Rebellion at all.
2008-07-24, 7:09 PM #6
And the reason nobody likes Rebellion is because of the realistic travel times.
2008-07-24, 7:10 PM #7
p.s. I heard Empire at War was really good. c/d?
2008-07-24, 7:12 PM #8
In any game like galactic battlegrounds where they allow the player to build walls, I never win beacause I always devote my time to building a superfortress with triple thick walls and towers everywhere. So I usually lose, albeit very slowly.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-07-24, 7:19 PM #9
I always spammed clone troopers in SWGB.... never won, but I always gave one hell of a fight.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2008-07-24, 7:22 PM #10
wall of photon cannons


wall of supply depots
2008-07-24, 7:26 PM #11
in starcraft 2 they're upgrading supply depots so groups of them can block even small units. but they're also being upgraded to retract into the ground so friendly units can pass over them.

youd think if the terrans were aware of and accepted this strategy theyd just build a wall.
2008-07-24, 7:31 PM #12
In DoW2 they're practically getting rid of bases I hear.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2008-07-24, 7:33 PM #13
sweet. bases are for cowards.
2008-07-24, 7:33 PM #14
Attachment: 19785/SpaceMarineSargent.jpg (145,030 bytes)
2008-07-24, 7:35 PM #15
Looks like a claw is going for the reach-around in that picture.
2008-07-24, 8:32 PM #16
Urg. You build walls with supply depots and use barracks as gates.
2008-07-24, 8:32 PM #17
Originally posted by Jon`C:
in starcraft 2 they're upgrading supply depots so groups of them can block even small units. but they're also being upgraded to retract into the ground so friendly units can pass over them.

youd think if the terrans were aware of and accepted this strategy theyd just build a wall.

In Starcraft 1, most battles ended before you could finish a wall. And even small units could not go through before if you built it properly.
2008-07-24, 8:40 PM #18
Originally posted by Jon`C:
sweet. bases are for cowards.

The Imperial Guard is not amused, but I stopped caring when DC ****ed up turrets and I started playing Tau which didn't even have turrets.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2008-07-24, 11:03 PM #19
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Looks like a claw is going for the reach-around in that picture.

Maybe it was
The tips at the end of shoelaces are called "aglets". Their true purpose is sinister.
2008-07-25, 7:06 PM #20
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
In Starcraft 1, most battles ended before you could finish a wall. And even small units could not go through before if you built it properly.


In most maps there are choke points near your base that you can close with one or two supplies and a barracks; i.e. your very first structures anyway.

It at least delays rushes so marines have more time to shoot the melee 'lings and 'lots while they trickle through gaps.
2008-07-26, 5:12 AM #21
Yeah, but who plays Terran anyway?

Protoss got it easier, the gaps between the cannons even mean that if they tell the unit to move past them, it'll run past the cannons even though it's being slaughtered.

Zerg are screwed, though.
2008-07-26, 5:31 AM #22
Originally posted by Commander 598:
The Imperial Guard is not amused, but I stopped caring when DC ****ed up turrets and I started playing Tau which didn't even have turrets.

That's the one thing that really put me off the Tau. With the amount I shove on defence it's hard to do anything, really.

Also the tanks are brittle. Not like the ELEVEN BARRELS OF HELL.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.

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