I don't see how this is "the government telling us what to eat". It's the government telling companies that make the food we eat what "bad stuff" they can't put into our food. We will likely eat those exact same foods, only now they will be better for our bodies and cost those companies a little more (as they generally add certain unhealthy things to cut costs or make consumers buy the foods more).
It's kind of ridiculous to be angry at the government for trying to regulate health and safety and cry "they're telling me what to do!" when firstly, it is telling big companies that you are likely not a part of their decision making process how to produce certain foods to a certain health regulation. Secondly, why would you want certain additives in your food that the gov't is trying to take out?
Now someone earlier in the thread said that this was proven to not be a problem for food, and if there is no sound reason to regulate that something be removed from food production, then there is no reason for it. But I doubt the government is trying to regulate the health of food to control people's lives, that's quite a stretch if you ask me.