Hey guys, did you hear about Something Awful?
Posts: 8,804
I'm an efficient leveler. The leveling system is unique in the game for sure.
Basically, I have one of each skill attributes as a main skill, and some that is not leveled easily. Alchemy for INT, armorer for END, etc.
Then I level up 9 or 10 of each skill in the minor skills list (for INT that would be CON and ALT, for END it would be BLT and HVY), and then level 8 of a major skill, because it takes 10 major skill point increases to level. When I level, I get +5 to three given skills I chose to work on. This isn't perfect (acrobats, restoration, athletics, and etc are harder to control leveling, and sometimes cause overleveling, but oh well).
I recommend leveling heavy armor, blocking, and armorer first. That powers Endurance, and the higher endurance you have at the start of the game, the more health you get per level. I'm level 16 and have more health than my step brother's level 24.