For a country that has a strong sense of adaptivity and is quite willing toward new ideas and foreign thinking, which pretty much stems from the culture's fondness of impermanence and how vulnerable they could be as a small island nation, the social backwardness in this day and age is somewhat surprising. The comment that Japan today has very little touch with the traditional Japan generations ago is very true, and, to add that, even back then ancient Japanese culture did take in very much from its neighboring Asian countries, such as China and Korea. They had to observe its neighbors, even at times Japan did its best to isolate themselves, because after all, they are on small little islands with limited resources. To say that Japanese culture is "Westernized" is true but to a certain extent; I would agree that Japan definitely takes in a lot of Western ideology but what they take in, they make it their own. So, in other words, the Japanese society of today could be considered more of a unique formula where it isn't tied down by traditional Japanese ways of life but isn't a completely "Western" civilization. This may be obvious, but few people seem to think the Japanese are just a Asian version of us. They are not.
America has a diverse population, clearly, but to expect the Japanese to be the same is silly. I never fully understand exactly why such a first-world and an advancing society is also known to be be the most xenophobic, especially in this age of internationalism. Surely it is a conglomeration of vastly numerous amount of reasons. You probably even have to consider the land of Japan itself. It being a overpopulated series of islands with the highest population density in the world is probably a given as a factor. But looking further into it, you can see the homogeneous nature of this society even greater. For example, the land for agriculture is incredibly limited on the islands and more so due to the mountains, thus industrial and agricultural sides of Japan are placed together, almost hand in hand. Another example is found in how the cities of Japan grow compared to European ones; in a typical old European city, you notice how the layout is easily defined by function and social classes to the point you know exactly where the residential areas, business places, industrial districts and so forth are. Now in a Japanese city, growth is quite chaotic and everything is integrated a strange homogeneous blobs, almost as if it was just cells rapidly growing. Even in destruction, the Japanese city, as a whole, just efficiently picks itself due to this nature. Long before WWII and the nukes, traditional Japanese buildings were made of wood, which were very susceptible to climate changes, and even after the ancient eras, the homogeneously tight culture allowed itself to effectively recover from disasters and changes.