So, I'm going through Neverwinter Nights 2 a second time, this time with the expansion. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good ranged/melee hybrid class or build(basically does most of its damage at range but can finish off enemies in melee and doesn't instantly die when something breathes within 10 feet of it).
My first idea was a Ranger, but they seem kind of squishy and not that good at melee if you concentrate on ranged, which isn't that good anyway from what I read.
Right now I'm thinking either some kind of Eldritch Knight(I have no clue how to play this kind of build so I would need help) or a caster-style Cleric. A Warlock with battle caster and medium armor seems like it might be decent, even though it technically wouldn't be using melee if someone got close, but instead would just spam their infinite use spells. A Stormlord with throwing axes and a spear as backup also looked interesting, but like the Eldritch Knight I would need some pointers on how to play this class.
My first idea was a Ranger, but they seem kind of squishy and not that good at melee if you concentrate on ranged, which isn't that good anyway from what I read.
Right now I'm thinking either some kind of Eldritch Knight(I have no clue how to play this kind of build so I would need help) or a caster-style Cleric. A Warlock with battle caster and medium armor seems like it might be decent, even though it technically wouldn't be using melee if someone got close, but instead would just spam their infinite use spells. A Stormlord with throwing axes and a spear as backup also looked interesting, but like the Eldritch Knight I would need some pointers on how to play this class.
Democracy: rule by the stupid