In all seriousness I can make you some textures if you'd like. To be honest your first two levels are absolutely awful, but that's alright, most people's are. Almost everyone here finds you ridiculously annoying because of your other threads which are pretty much spam or trolling, but if you sincerely want to make maps for JO/JA then I can help you with the textures.
It's just amusing to everyone because you're a little behind in your timeline, as nobody except for about 1-2 people actually mod for those games anymore. However, given that you actually have screenshots and a download link of your first levels that we can assume you actually made yourself, you've already surpassed a troll that we once had on our forums named SF_Gold.
So in short, I say give him a chance, let him be, and help him out if he wants criticism or assistance. I never endorsed helping people like SF_Gold out in the past, but that's because he was full of **** and could never actually produce anything that wasn't stolen. There's no reason not to encourage those who can actually do something productive, even if it's not that pretty.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)