Hey folks, I've been trying to read up on this, but I did not really know how to word my issue into a google search and nothing I looked for yielded any results. I figure mayhaps one of you fine gents could help me out.
Long ago, I used to be able to plug in both my Xbox Live and PC internet cables into my router, and both word work perfectly fine.
I just recently reacquired Xbox Live and to my dismay when I plug both into the router, only one or the other works. Its a bit of an odd situation with DNS identification.
If I reboot the modem with the pc cable in it, once its loaded up, I can browse the net on my PC. However, on my X360 it recognises the IP, but fails the DNS Test.
However, if I reboot the modem with my x360 plugged in, all tests will pass but not I cannot browse the net on my PC.
Now, if I try have my router plugged in, and both plugged in, when I reboot the modem it'll random work for one or the other. Once its up its a toss up on whether its going to be my Live or PC working.
I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to internet connections.
If anyone has any insight on what my problem might be, I'd welcome the advice.
Long ago, I used to be able to plug in both my Xbox Live and PC internet cables into my router, and both word work perfectly fine.
I just recently reacquired Xbox Live and to my dismay when I plug both into the router, only one or the other works. Its a bit of an odd situation with DNS identification.
If I reboot the modem with the pc cable in it, once its loaded up, I can browse the net on my PC. However, on my X360 it recognises the IP, but fails the DNS Test.
However, if I reboot the modem with my x360 plugged in, all tests will pass but not I cannot browse the net on my PC.
Now, if I try have my router plugged in, and both plugged in, when I reboot the modem it'll random work for one or the other. Once its up its a toss up on whether its going to be my Live or PC working.
I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to internet connections.
If anyone has any insight on what my problem might be, I'd welcome the advice.
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