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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Exclusive new FU trailer
Exclusive new FU trailer
2008-08-18, 10:18 AM #1
No no, I'm not saying 'f*** you'.

Idk about all you naysayers, but I can't wait for this game. I was originally skeptical about the main character actually using his saber to kill things, but it looks like saber fighting will be just as prevalent as in JA. :D

Also I unlocked the Apprentice character in Soul Caliber 4, and damn is this guy, well... unfair. He's so damn good it makes every other character in the game worthless. I love it. :hist101:
2008-08-18, 10:44 AM #2
I personally can't wait, I'm anxious for a nice looking, over-the-top action game where I can go crazy with a lightsaber and the force. I'm a bit weary of the storyline, but if they do it right, it'll be an entertaining game to play.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-18, 10:57 AM #3
Also :

Was cheated out of lions by happydud
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2008-08-18, 12:11 PM #4
Too bad they refuse to make it for PC... :(
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2008-08-18, 12:28 PM #5

I don't know about you but I think the gameplay looks like it is going to be getting repetitive fast. If all the gameplay consists of is going to Room A, go around killing without discretion, go to Room B, go around killing without discretion, go to Room C, go around killing without discretion and so forth, I am going to have to pass.

The environments look great, so I'll give it that. But the footage of how it is going to play out unimpresses me. Also, quick time events:
2008-08-18, 12:44 PM #6
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:

I don't know about you but I think the gameplay looks like it is going to be getting repetitive fast. If all the gameplay consists of is going to Room A, go around killing without discretion, go to Room B, go around killing without discretion, go to Room C, go around killing without discretion and so forth, I am going to have to pass.

This is the exact same formula Max Payne used, only it included bullet time, and the people here love the **** out of that game.

This should ammuse them plenty.
2008-08-18, 12:44 PM #7
They need to change what star wars games are about. I want a Deus Ex style detective story set in the Star Wars universe. Something laid-back at first that just lets you bask in the setting, like some rainy lower levels of Coruscant.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2008-08-18, 12:53 PM #8
Originally posted by Detty:
They need to change what star wars games are about. I want a Deus Ex style detective story set in the Star Wars universe. Something laid-back at first that just lets you bask in the setting, like some rainy lower levels of Coruscant.

F*** yes. I want a star wars game where you play a low-life, not a jesus-saves-all character.
2008-08-18, 12:53 PM #9
Originally posted by Rob:
This is the exact same formula Max Payne used, only it included bullet time, and the people here love the **** out of that game.

This should amuse them plenty.

Agreed 10 fold. However, this game at least looks like it's got some interesting story/cinematic. They have to release it for PC though.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-08-18, 1:17 PM #10
I certainly hope that in the real game we can't get hit by 200 blaster bolts and stand around doing nothing like they do in the vids. I hope we have to focus more on deflecting and such.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-18, 1:28 PM #11
They should totally make a game where you're like an ex-imperial soldier so all of your weapons are just guns.

Then like half way through you get a lightsaber because of some form of wild plot twist! That way you get to have some of the jedi experience!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-08-18, 1:42 PM #12
that looks so pretty

the only crappy thing i'm seeing is the attacks of: throw enemy in the air, jump up, smack down enemy with saber

pointlessly stupid in my book
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-08-18, 2:07 PM #13
Originally posted by genk:
that looks so pretty

the only crappy thing i'm seeing is the attacks of: throw enemy in the air, jump up, smack down enemy with saber

pointlessly stupid in my book

Agreed, and stolen straight out of Ninja Gaiden.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-18, 2:11 PM #14
Originally posted by Detty:
They need to change what star wars games are about. I want a Deus Ex style detective story set in the Star Wars universe. Something laid-back at first that just lets you bask in the setting, like some rainy lower levels of Coruscant.

Yes please. Like Discworld Noir! But with GUNS!
2008-08-18, 2:40 PM #15
Originally posted by Jep:
I certainly hope that in the real game we can't get hit by 200 blaster bolts and stand around doing nothing like they do in the vids. I hope we have to focus more on deflecting and such.

Or some strategy involved using one Force power over the other due to what is presented. To be honest, I think the video is just displaying the many ways to kill enemies. But if not, why on earth would you want to do all the fancy Force stuff when going up to the Stormtrooper and simply slicing him with the lightsaber seems to be the most efficient means of getting the job done.

The thing about Max Payne and God of War is that the combat is fluid and stylish while providing a little depth in what you must do to tackle the next group of enemies. From pre-release videos, the FU combat seems to be rather clunky and stiff. I assume FU won't let you stand in the middle of the room, surrounded by firing stormtroopers, and think to yourself, "gee, I wonder what cool and colorful Force power to use next!"
2008-08-18, 2:52 PM #16
It's too bad the 360 and PS3 versions don't get some of the features the Wii version does due to "evening out." But it still looks good.
2008-08-18, 2:53 PM #17
Not to mention if you hold the lightsaber behind your back like that, wouldn't it be hard to deflect in front? :confused:
2008-08-18, 2:58 PM #18
Not if you BLEED AWESOME like the boy wonder does.
2008-08-18, 3:04 PM #19

Where's the dismemberment?
2008-08-18, 3:53 PM #20
Originally posted by Detty:
They need to change what star wars games are about. I want a Deus Ex style detective story set in the Star Wars universe. Something laid-back at first that just lets you bask in the setting, like some rainy lower levels of Coruscant.

KotOR is kind of like that. I mean, at least in that it's a different kind of game.

The KotOR series is the only game that actually makes you feel like a Jedi. Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers first and warriors second. The conflict resolution aspects of KotOR were brilliant.

JK did a good job of making you feel like a Jedi. Which was strange, since Kyle wasn't really a Jedi at all. They had the combat aspect of it down more. Exploring huge areas, being stealthy if you wanted to (within 1997 limitations), etc.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-08-18, 7:03 PM #21
Let's wait until we play the demo this Wednesday (XBLA updates on Wednesdays right?) and Thursday (PSN) before we make further judgment. The demo features an exclusive level that you won't find in the full game. I myself am looking forward to this game because I haven't played a good action Star Wars game for awhile. Of course I won't overlook the fact that there's always a chance this game won't live up to its promise.

To be honest, I think the video is just displaying the many ways to kill enemies. But if not, why on earth would you want to do all the fancy Force stuff when going up to the Stormtrooper and simply slicing him with the lightsaber seems to be the most efficient means of getting the job done.

From what I can gathered, The Force Unleashed is a Star Wars version of Devil May Cry. In DMC, you're given various ways to punish your enemies. While you could go for a basic attack or the most damaging move, the game often encourages you to vary your attack to be stylish. Similar to DMC, the developers of the game seem to try to make you feel powerful. Generic enemies are suppose to be nothing more than punching bags for you, while you dish out a stylish assault. This also explains why you can't dismember enemies in one slash. If you could, you wouldn't be able to whip out stylish combos.

As a side note, Ninja Gaiden's style of gameplay focuses you on being efficient in combat due to the relentless enemies you face (much aggressive than DMC's). You want to use attacks like the Izuna drop when you're surrounded or the ultimate technique when there are alot of essence to absorb.

Not to mention if you hold the lightsaber behind your back like that, wouldn't it be hard to deflect in front?

Force enhanced reflexes. I also heard that in several other videos he blocks blaster fire with his hand like Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back.

It's too bad the 360 and PS3 versions don't get some of the features the Wii version does due to "evening out." But it still looks good.

The only extra the Wii is getting is some duel mode I thought. Either way, the graphics and the physics on the Wii are gimped.

Originally posted by Zell:
Also I unlocked the Apprentice character in Soul Caliber 4, and damn is this guy, well... unfair. He's so damn good it makes every other character in the game worthless. I love it. :hist101:

I initially thought that too, but the more you play the game the more you realize that he's kind of a low tier character. He doesn't have a good mix up game to vary his low and high attacks. Most of his best attacks combo also rely on his force bar. Of course the A.I. can make you think otherwise because of his ridiculous ability to dodge and block attacks.
2008-08-18, 7:08 PM #22
Okay, so I just watched it. On one hand, they show a lot of cool things that Jedi certainly should be able to do. But taking down a star destroyer is not something easy to do.

I don't care what Yoda said about size. Everything else in SW literature says that movie a planet isn't as easy as moving a rock.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-08-18, 8:29 PM #23
It's pretty obvious that Yoda said that a motivational tool, and is not to be taken literally.

The only other character in all of the EU that could pull down a star destroyer like that is Kyp Durron.
2008-08-18, 9:36 PM #24
Dorsk 81 turned away 3 star destroyers. Of course, the effort killed him.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-08-18, 10:47 PM #25
Originally posted by Outlaw Torn:
Dorsk 81 turned away 3 star destroyers. Of course, the effort killed him.


2008-08-19, 4:01 AM #26
Arranging the Jedi on the outside points of the Grand Temple, Dorsk stood alone on the observation deck, atop a Force apex. All the Jedi channeled their power through him, and surrendering fully to the Force, Dorsk shoved the Star Destroyers end-over-end out of the star system in what possibly is the most powerful use of Force Push in recorded history. The enormous Force power flowing through him overpowered his body, burning through it and killing him. As Kyp raced up the temple to catch Dorsk, he uttered his final words: "Leave Britney ALONE!".


Of course, it wouldn't require near as much power to give a star destroyer a tug downwards when its already hovering ludicrously close to a city. I like the style though, and I'm willing to overlook this sort of stuff if the game really is as awesome as it seems. I can't wait for the demo on the 21st.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-19, 7:28 AM #27
lol love story lol

oh and also i wonder what that star is at the end of the trailer
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-08-19, 8:34 AM #28
If you look closely at the end of the trailer, there is a clipping issue.

Starkiller's arm goes right through Vader's cloak.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2008-08-19, 8:41 AM #29
Originally posted by petmc20:
If you look closely at the end of the trailer, there is a clipping issue.

Starkiller's arm goes right through Vader's cloak.

Yea I noticed that and couldn't help but laugh at such an amateur mistake in a trailer.

Ah well.

(Note : check out the launch trailer at Looks really cool!)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-19, 9:09 AM #30
Dorsk 81 pushed 12 ISDs out of the Yavin system (with the assistance of alot of jedi) and he burnt himself out literally.

But the book Darksaber was utter ****e and doesnt count.
2008-08-19, 11:46 AM #31
Yeah, I saw that and thought I was seeing things.

Also, how is this EXCLUSIVE?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-08-19, 11:52 AM #32
Originally posted by Outlaw Torn:
Dorsk 81 turned away 3 star destroyers. Of course, the effort killed him.

Whatever happened to 'size matters not' ? :(
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-08-19, 12:04 PM #33
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Whatever happened to 'size matters not' ? :(

That is exactly the reason he can do it in the first place. Size matters not.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2008-08-19, 1:00 PM #34
Looking forward to it. Kind of wish I had held onto my Wii long enough to see if the saber dueling is any good, but it'll probably be gimmicky and lame anyway.
2008-08-19, 2:19 PM #35
The way he holds his lightsaber is idiotic. It's obviously done just because the developers thought it looked cool and didn't bother to think about how easily he'd get raped in a sword fight. No reach at all!
2008-08-19, 3:15 PM #36
Originally posted by JM:
The way he holds his lightsaber is idiotic. It's obviously done just because the developers thought it looked cool and didn't bother to think about how easily he'd get raped in a sword fight. No reach at all!

Actually, there are martial arts that including such a form. I really wish I could remember right now. There is also an established lightsaber form in the Star Wars universe that involves a reversed gripped like that, which, curse my ex-sw-geek memory, I can't be arsed to remember either.

I agree that its just for the style and I find the use of it wrong. This lightsaber form was a highly offensive one with little to no desense...which is not exactly something you can omit when facing squadrons of stormtroopers, Jedi or not.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-19, 3:26 PM #37
I'm offended by your lightsaber stance. *middle finger saber*
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-08-19, 3:48 PM #38
Originally posted by petmc20:
That is exactly the reason he can do it in the first place. Size matters not.

Then there was no need for the Death Star. Vader or Palpatine could have just destroyed a planet with the force.

It obviously doesn't work that way.

In the EU there have traditionally been two interpretations of the Jedi. One is that Jedi are unstoppable machines, like in FU. The other is that Jedi are pansies and can't do anything other than lift rocks, as much of the NJO series shows.

I'm reading Balance Point right now and it really doesn't make any sense at all. There is no way the Vong should ever have gotten that far. If they had invaded in nearly any other time in the SW galaxy's history, they would have been obliterated. During the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, and dear god, during the height of the Sith Empire? Hahaha that would have been funny.

I like NJO so far but I also hate it. The Vong are portrayed as being improportionatly powerful. Not just with respect to the New Republic...but themselves. Why do they need warships to siege Coruscant when they can just bombard the world with microbes that will decimate the entire surface (all the buildings)? No consistency or thought was put into things like that. Ugh.

Star Wars story writing is just so...meh at times. I mean there's the ****ty novels like Darksaber that everyone just ignores, but then you get important big stuff like NJO that actually impacts the canon of the universe and ****s it up for future works.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-08-19, 4:10 PM #39
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I'm offended by your lightsaber stance. *middle finger saber*

I laughed XD
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-19, 4:22 PM #40
By the way, most of the characters (human ones) are modeled after their voice actors and voice actresses. This was done because some of the characters might show up in that upcoming Star Wars live action TV show.

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