You're proposing that, every 20 years, we have a rebellion to oust the current political leaders and supplant them with new ones. Do you honestly believe that people will be willing to leave office if it's at the business end of a weapon?
France was formed after several bloody revolutions that killed hundreds of thousands. The United States had one war to secede from the British Empire, and then we took the lessons learned during France's and Britain's development.
If I have to worry about being the undeserved target of a rebellious mob, I'm going to vote for the candidate who says he/she will keep me protected from the mob. What will this person do? Squash protests with military force. Control the news. Do everything in their power to prevent a rebellious force from tearing down the government "for the safety of the people".
Our current system ensures that there will be a limit to how long someone will occupy an office. If you can think of a way to refresh the government without putting innocents in danger, post it.
You realize that the clause of freedom of speech involves opinions other than what you believe, right? There are people who say things like what you cited, yes, but there are also people who say that those original people are wrong. What would you rather be the case?
I don't think you quite understand what came out of the French revolutions. It took a few rounds for them to finally figure out a workable system of government. The only reason we've only had the Revolutionary War and the Civil War is because we took our lessons from Europe.
The founders of our country first used diplomatic measures to try and negotiate our terms. We moved to war because there was no representation of the colonies within the British government. Within the existing U.S. Congress, we have elected Senate and House of Representatives. You may not like necessarily who represents you, but welcome to one of the flaws of democracy: if you're in the minority, you're going to be hard-pressed to find adequate representation.
Daily guillotine executions in public squares? Harassment and assault of people who simply believe in the current system of government? Imprisonment of political dissidents? You honestly believe this is a better situation than what currently exists?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken