Hey guys, did you hear about Something Awful?
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Thanks saberopus. Jep, this is good advice. It's much easier to meditate if you're physically active also. Meditation is about air and breathing, and it does no good if you don't have blood pumping to carry the air, and haven't stretched your lungs, so to speak, through the panting of working out. I recommend an activity that uses the whole body, much like mb's suggestion of rock climbing or swimming, as you want to make sure you get a workout and blood going throughout the whole body. Balance is key here, as is with life.
Remember though, you will not see immediate results. I explained this to Kroko earlier. The practice of meditation is very similar to everything in nature: it takes time, patience, discipline, and entropic design to form unity. A tree does not grow in a day, and paths do not start out large.