Even though I can't vote, I probably would be undecided at this point, because seriously, the only way that you could have any more similar candidates would be if Hilary won the Democratic nomination. Though if that had happened, I would have had to swallow my pride and support McCain, as Hilary has a few too many views that I disagree with enough (not to mention that she is right wing enough that if I was going to vote for a right wing candidate, I might as well vote for the one that is SUPPOSED to be right wing) that I just would not be able to support her.
I think that the fact that both my parents work in a government organization has made me cynical enough to vote based purely on policy and not give a damn about the party of who I vote for. (though, as Australia's system means that I am actualy voting for a specific person to get a parlimentary seat, and not just a political party may also have something to do with it)
So, I suggest that those of you who do go out and vote (to those who say that their vote means even less the more people who vote, you sound EXTREMELY SELF CENTERED, as the vote is supposed to represent the will of the people, and the more people who vote, the more accurately the results reflect the will of the people, so GET OVER YOURSELF AND VOTE) vote based on policy, and not just on which party you like better (as the way a party is run depends greatly on who is in the positions of power, which changes often, so it wont always act the same) or which candidate said the most "non-core promises" (AKA, lies to get elected) that had things to do with you.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%