Right, because spies can't see pyros standing there and pyros are always just sitting around way behind the main lines, or camping corners
. A skilled spy can get past a skilled pyro any day, and you are a noob if you think otherwise. The best pyros I've seen play similarly to spies, hiding around corners in the front lines. You CANNOT expect a skilled spy unless you want to be an idiot and run around spamming your flamer in the air hoping to make a catch (which is a good strategy around sentry emplacements for those who suck at anything but sitting around, and they know it). I play on a constantly-full 32-man standard map rotation server with around 20 regulars, and about 5-10 reserve spots. On Badlands, I am always in the top 3 when I play spy. Some maps are more spy friendly than others of course - not saying I top the charts in 2fort as a spy.
LOL! What makes you think a spy would stay in the room? Also, what makes you think a spy would even decloak to attack when a target isn't easily killed i.e. if he's killed in that spot before, if a target isn't alone, if there's more than one stray behind a mob, or if a pyro is going :tinfoil:. Only noob spies go in on suicide runs. To give you some credit, when I do die, it's usually due to a pyro more so than a stray demo or rocket.