Really need to vent right now, this eats away at me on a regular basis.
I just started my 4th year of local community college since graduating high school class of 05. I have never had a clear understanding of what I want to study or what I want to do with my life. I've changed my "major" a bunch of times, and I think want to change it again. My major right now is Environmental Policy Design and I'm due to start at UC Davis Fall 09 under that major.
For whatever reason, and this is how it always goes, I find myself wondering "Why the HELL did I choose that major? Why did I think I was into that kind of stuff?" I now think I want to go back to Civil Engineering which is what I wanted to do out of high school, but never perused it because I got scared off by what I now view as fairly basic math (calc I). It's always been my passion and people have been saying that's what I should do since I was 6 years old building the big Technic LEGO sets labeled "Ages 14+" or whatever.
Changing to civil engineering means another 3 years at my local college then I transfer. I feel like it's too long, that would be 7 years community college before transferring, but the more I hear about this job market and the high wages and lifetime job security the more it seems worth it.
What kind of similar dilemmas do you guys encounter?
I just started my 4th year of local community college since graduating high school class of 05. I have never had a clear understanding of what I want to study or what I want to do with my life. I've changed my "major" a bunch of times, and I think want to change it again. My major right now is Environmental Policy Design and I'm due to start at UC Davis Fall 09 under that major.
For whatever reason, and this is how it always goes, I find myself wondering "Why the HELL did I choose that major? Why did I think I was into that kind of stuff?" I now think I want to go back to Civil Engineering which is what I wanted to do out of high school, but never perused it because I got scared off by what I now view as fairly basic math (calc I). It's always been my passion and people have been saying that's what I should do since I was 6 years old building the big Technic LEGO sets labeled "Ages 14+" or whatever.
Changing to civil engineering means another 3 years at my local college then I transfer. I feel like it's too long, that would be 7 years community college before transferring, but the more I hear about this job market and the high wages and lifetime job security the more it seems worth it.
What kind of similar dilemmas do you guys encounter?