OK, I love Seinfeld and Bill Gates has a personality and a sense of humor. But, does anybody think these new Vista ads are absolutely terrible at selling the product? I mean, Microsoft must have spent millions upon millions of dollars to rebut the "Get A Mac" ads, and this is what they came up with? I mean, comparing Vista to a churo?
Don't get me wrong, I find the "Get a Mac" ads to be pretty arrogant and annoying depending on the ad, but at least they are describing the product in some way. You could ask someone, hey does OS X really allow you to back up files that easily? What would you ask with these Vista ads, does the Vista box taste like a Mexican dish?
Don't get me wrong, I find the "Get a Mac" ads to be pretty arrogant and annoying depending on the ad, but at least they are describing the product in some way. You could ask someone, hey does OS X really allow you to back up files that easily? What would you ask with these Vista ads, does the Vista box taste like a Mexican dish?
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