Nah, I've refrained from saying her name or showing pictures, because as I said in the first post, some of you knew her and knew of our relationship, and I wanted to enjoy you figuring it was her. Sadly others of you guessed the wrong girl.
Its not my ex-roommate, whose boobies some of you saw.
It is Andrea, who some of you remember from nights in Stickam, and who I met (yes) online, and developed a relationship with. We spent nearly every night together on stickam and then talking on the phone, and we fell in love with eachother and we considered ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend before I ever met her in person. Then there was boot camp, and we wrote letters back and forth (I of course did not have access to the internet or a phone). Now I am on base in Great Lakes, IL, only about a 45 minute drive from her, and we have spent as much time together as possible. On Wed, Sep 10th I asked her to marry me, and she agreed.
Such is our story. It has all happened quickly and many would say we rushed into it. I've known her for not quite a year, and in person only about a month. However, I feel we were meant to be together, and so does she.
I told my parents, who have also met her in person at my boot camp graduation, and they were not surprised I'd asked her. They expected it after witnessing us spend only 1 day together. We told her mom and she was a bit more reserved about it, but has now warmed up to the idea. We're kind of worried about telling her dad though, because she did not tell him about me until just recently, and he thinks we've only been together a few weeks. :/
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.