Jep Bartholomew Francisqué de Minguo El Inigo Montoya Padré the Third
Posts: 10,237
It is. Sorta. I moved things around alot in the Interface Editor.
Besides, nothing wrong with using a working formula. All other MMOs that strayed from it got bashed to hell.
Plus, Blizzard borrowed from Warhammer for the general warcraft franchise, now Warhammer borrows from Warcraft's UI. And so the world turns.
To be honest, I used to say that as well. I would say, "Oh yea! Warcraft 2.0"
I now realise that people who say that are those who cannot see past the similar art styles (but not really except for dwarfs and orcs), that they both have factions, and that they are both MMO's. While one was heavily focused on the casual gamer and the PvE aspect of the game, the other is focused more intensely on the PvP. Of course, both are MMORPG's so they are bound to share several similar mechanics.
Right off the bat, let me say that I hated PvP to the bone in WoW. I simply never enjoyed the overabundance of CC and fears and stuns that plagued the battlefield. Sure you had ways to counter it, but kiddies spamming fears or cyclone were simply a nuissance. Sure they sucked and their team always lost, but it remained no fun to play. Not to mention the ludicrously obvious lack of variety over the past 4 years.
While Warhammer uses the same concept of battlegrounds, there are 4 tiers that you will level through, each with their own sets of scenarios (WAR term for BG's). From level 1-11, you are fighting tier 1 battles in 3 different arenas. Then once you hit level 12 you enter tier 2 and find yourself with whole new scenarios. Character collision detection is also used brilliantly in the game. I was doubtful of the concept after playing Age of Conan, but they really came through with a working system here. It is quite something to do battle over a bridge with 4 orc tanks lining up and blocking the enemy advance. You have variety, you have brutal action and strategy (no solo kiddies looking to score easy honor points), and whats best is that all classes can compete and stand a winning chance, while every retains (mostly) control of their characters. No fears. No sheeps. No cyclones. There are some snaring (slowing movement speed) and some immobilizing effects, but though your feet might be tied down, you can still throw spells, or an axe, or hit enemies near you.
Add on top of that the incentive to do world PvP and hunt enemies down (and by that I don't mean to gank them) and its a winning concept.
Questing and PvE is there and works nicely, if a little thinner on content than WoW is.
As for the graphics themselves, I really wouldn't call Warhammer an upgrade. The characters and armor are definatly much nicer. However, the view distance is closer and there is a really wierd blurring of ground textures that are further than 50 feet. Its not mipmaps or lack of anisotropic filtering. Its a wierd effect from their engine.
Classes (careers in this game) are very very interesting and a breath of fresh air after the similar concepts of the past decade. Each class, from both factions, have something nifty to give them style and interest. Whether its the orc tank's combo system, or the chosen's auras, or the Marauder's mutations, or the Magus' floating disc or the Witch Hunter's hat, there's something stylish and bound to hook you. They seem to be decently balanced out of the box, though of course its still early to tell.
Erm, thats it for my rambling, I really should get to work. XD
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless