[22:21] <@dalf> People wonder why I have lost hope.
[22:21] <+Dj-Buffaloshi> cleaned house last weekend, we'll see how it goes this time
[22:21] <@dalf> 10 minutes of actually looking at humans would make anyone want to put a bullet to the temple.
[22:21] <+Dj-Buffaloshi> yeah
[22:22] <+Dj-Buffaloshi> c'est la vie
[22:22] <@dalf> Case in point: /b/ exists
[22:22] <+Dj-Buffaloshi> yeah /b/ is just a haven for child pornography enthusiasts and racist ****s
[22:23] <+Commander_598> You forgot sociopaths.
[22:23] <@dalf> 2nd case in point: