21:26 * Rob (~c3184d86@4A33947.335A600D.DCB4994A.IP) has joined #massassi
21:26 * Rob (~c3184d86@4A33947.335A600D.DCB4994A.IP) Quit (User has been banned from synIRC (Connecting to our network via TOR is not permitted. For more information, please see http://synirc.net/proxy))
Silly Rob, when will you learn!
21:26 * Rob (~c3184d86@4A33947.335A600D.DCB4994A.IP) Quit (User has been banned from synIRC (Connecting to our network via TOR is not permitted. For more information, please see http://synirc.net/proxy))
Silly Rob, when will you learn!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.