"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
Was an awesome move on his part, excellent tactical strike. He knew he had last word, and that he could say that. If Palin had the chance to retort, she would've been able to point out how he voted for the bridge to nowhere twice against Katrina. Was an awesome move, very smart of him.
I thought Palin dominated the debate, through and through. Facts don't matter in these debates at all. For every one of Palin's "Well obama did *such and such", Biden was able to retort with "well mccain did *such and such". For every fact or statistic, there is a counter, and it essentially makes them worthless. Both Biden and Palin obviously had drilled into their head hundreds and hundreds of these pointless statistics that are stretched.
So, to me at least, the debate is all about style, and jesus christ did Palin dominate that. These debates are PURELY for undecideds. Those who are for Obama/Biden, are gonna say Biden won. Those who are for McCain/Palin, will say Palin won. I'm for neither, I don't even really like Palin, but I knew straight out that she was a stone cold *****, and that came across. She threw some great rhetoric around, threw more punches, threw around great keywords (white flag, and I ****ing loved the "redistribution of wealth" line) and knew when to get the hell out of a question. To an undecided, Palin defintly seemed more in control, and more willing to talk to someone, at least I got that impression from the people I asked in my dorm. Biden threw out too many statistics, too many numbers, too much anecdotal evidence (made a huge mistake by mentioning names of single people, you never should do that in a debate and use it as evidence). It was just poor debate form. Biden had some brilliant things to say, and his rant on "maverick" was SUPERB. He showed some authority there. It was also a great move of his to start talking about Cheney. He should've started that right from the beginning, because everyone hates Cheney.
Palin dominated the beginning, the middle, and Biden really started to shine at the end, but overall, I was left with the impression that an undecided probably would declare Palin the victor. And frankly, that's what is most important. More important though are the two next debates, cuz when it comes down to it, people vote for President.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"