Well, in this case it's actually a pretty clear-cut case of reaction. McCain's camp openly announced that (for the first time in the campaign) they'd be actively trying to tie Obama to Ayers and Rezko. This is partly to help them make up ground, partly to energize the conservative base and keep them from giving up. Obama returned fire with the Keating video (a subject his campaign hadn't really touched before either), and now
Wired is reporting that things aren't going quite the way McCain thought they would. In short, Google's search rankings suggest people are
a lot more interested in Keating than they are in Ayers.
People aren't going to understand the Keating Five scandal, but in politics, people don't have to understand something to worry about it; in fact, sometimes it even
helps if they don't understand it. If Obama can successfully associate Keating with the economic crisis in people's minds, it's going to kick McCain's ***.
I don't like seeing this happen in an election campaign that had been pretty free of Swift Boat-type smears up until now, but it can't be helped now. Just playing defense against McCain's attacks would lose Obama the election the same way Kerry lost it. Expect McCain to give up on keeping Jeremiah Wright out of it before long, and expect Obama to start talking about McCain's medical records. The ads run by the 527s on each side will be even worse.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.