Jep Bartholomew Francisqué de Minguo El Inigo Montoya Padré the Third
Posts: 10,237
It is rather intriguing to say the least, but I'm all for it, to be honest, if the games are of a shining quality. Personally, I'd been regretting the purchase of my xbox 360 when no game, between december 2006 and now had caught my interest and been a success. Most games that interested me turned out to be terrible flops, leaving me with very few games to play. Honestly, I've not played on live since the first few months of Halo 3.
Now, while I may not get all the games I want on their release date, I know that I have a quite a list to pick from in the upcoming months. That makes me very, very happy.
The game industry wants to drive their revenue up? By all means, do it, guys, if it means you unleash a flurry of wonderful games onto us.
(Note : 'a flurry of wonderful games' is used here with the assumption that anticipated titles mentioned in this thread will all be of amazing, and exquisite quality, which is yet to be proven true.)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless