Virginia (live here now)
love: easy driving (at night anyway); found out some other massassian DOES live in this state (I thought I was alone), not that it ultimately will matter; driving age is 16
hate: all my friends are out of walking range; no extended family within 6 hours of here!
New Jersey (used to live here)
love: many friends in walking range; my dad's family lives here; homestate
hate: well, my parents always complain how aggressive the driving is -- I've never had to drive there so I wouldn't know (except for obnoxious tailgaiting Papa John's delivery boys)
Illinois (never lived here but make month-long vacations here)
love: The fact that I can say I've been in DogSRoOL's state and he can't say squat about it even though he wants to
; easy driving; my mom's family lives here; can call my cousin, Grant, a weenie (okay, so that's not necessarily a good thing... but it is fun
nytfyre m0d ||
f33l t3h p0w3r ||
t3h l0st c0gz ||
OMF > *
May the mass times acceleration be with you.